Discussion Hub

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Which is your favorite social media platform?

I enjoy WhatsApp social media platform because of my privacy and it is easy for business relationship. I get my most of my customers from it and enjoy it for educational groups to learn .
I am looking for a replacement for X. It is full of junk and the feed is terrible. They are showing me a lot of cat videos.:p
I have the same thing, but I don't see cats. After Musk bought this network, it was just garbage and the content is not controlled at all
It is possible that their algorithm feeds people content that they do care about. For each their own.

Kidding. I agree with you, feed is pathetic these days.
The one I use the most is WhatsApp, and that is because I use it to communicate. The others seem more focused on influencing and content creation which is something not meant for me.
Facebook i think is the best, the community is large, and they fast respond
I love Facebook because it helps me stay connected with friends and family all over the world. The interface is familiar, and I enjoy seeing updates from loved ones in my feed every day.
Twitter, not X. I loved the way Twitter worked. X is too much unrelated off topic for me.

I was thinking I am the only person who doesn't like how Twitter is working now. It has been reduced to an app that only those with money can enjoy some basic features.
I love Snapchat the most, although many people say that it is not a necessary network. It has a lot of features and you can also share photos and post stories. There are also a lot of filters for bloggers and many people use snapchat to take a cool photo with a filter and then post it on Instagram
I used to like and prefer Facebook only but from past few years I have started to explore Instagram and liking it more
I used to like and prefer Facebook only but from past few years I have started to explore Instagram and liking it more
Instagram? It's been months I log on to my account there. I don't really have time to add Instagram to the number of social media that I use everyday.
I make use of Instagram simply for my work, though am not that active there at the moment though.
WhatsApp and YouTube are the two social sites that I like and use the most.
I have two favorite social media platforms; Instagram and TikTok. I find both platforms fun to use, but TikTok is my ultimate favorite. I usually spend around 30 minutes to an hour using TikTok, and I enjoy watching informative and humorous videos. I am worried about the possibility of TikTok being banned in my country, as I have heard that it may be banned in more countries in the future. Which one is your favorite social media platform?
I use TikTok, Instagram and Twitter but I don't use Facebook that much.
I use TikTok, Instagram and Twitter but I don't use Facebook that much.

Twitter is also a good social site. I like the posts there than any other social sites like FB and Instagram
Instagram? It's been months I log on to my account there. I don't really have time to add Instagram to the number of social media that I use everyday.
That's good then, Not sure how I made myself habitual to it and started wasting so much time on it

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