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When did you start using smartphone



Oct 30, 2023
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A smartphone is a mobile device that combines the functionality of a traditional cell phone with advanced computing capabilities and internet connectivity. Smartphones typically feature touchscreens, internet browsers, cameras, and access to mobile apps for communication, productivity, entertainment, and more.What kind of smartphone do you use? When did you start using smartphone for the first time? I have been using smartphone since 2013.
I can't remember what year it was, but I know that I was 15 years old then and I begged my parents to buy it for me because everyone already had one and I didn't. I regret it very much, because my parents really didn't have money then, but I didn't understand it, but I will pay them back 100 times the amount over time
I have been using mobile phones since I was around 13/14 years old but if I were to guess when I first started using my very first smartphone, it would have to have been 2014 I believe and if I remember rightly.
Long long ago. I forgot when it was. I owned a base model at that time. It was fun and costly. I was stupid to buy that by today's standards.

It was a fancy stuff those days.
I can't remember when exactly I started using a smartphone, but i was in secondary school back then. I had to save for months to be able to buy a second hand smartphone back then.
I began using a smartphone for many years now and the good thing with making use of a smartphone is that it gives you an opportunity to see a whole lot about life and what life is all about. You can make money as well by using a smartphone.
I began using a smartphone for many years now and the good thing with making use of a smartphone is that it gives you an opportunity to see a whole lot about life and what life is all about. You can make money as well by using a smartphone.
ACTUALLY only a very small percentage use it to make money. I also thought that people, when they see an opportunity, can try, but in reality, most of them just watch videos and degrade, so the smartphone is useful only for purposeful people who want to get something from it in return
My first smartphone was an android phone powered by android gingerbread. It was bought around January 2013. I very much treasured the phone at the time even when it had specs that I wouldn't touch now. Can you imagine a 512MB RAM phone. But it was my first smartphone.
l can remember it very well. It was in 2012 August and l started with galaxy BB2
I started using mobile phones since 2014. I could remember that it was a Nokia phone with an antenna . I couldn't remember the model. At that time, mobile phone is not as common as what it is now in my country.
I have been using a smart phone for 7 years now. The phones that I have been consistent with using is the Samsung products.

However, I decided to switch to Apple products late last year and I noticed that there are many more benefits that come with using iPhone.
I stared using smartphone about 10 years ago and it was all about making calls and browsing but now I'm using it to work online. I post on sites to make money
I don't remember exactly year but I got my first android after I graduated and loved the experience because now I was able to access videos in my phone
I got my first smartphone nokia back in 2010.
I have been using a smart phone for 7 years now. The phones that I have been consistent with using is the Samsung products.

However, I decided to switch to Apple products late last year and I noticed that there are many more benefits that come with using iPhone.
I started making use of the smartphone at an early age. My dad was the one who encouraged me to begin and I must say that it was a great idea as I have learnt a lot from the internet.

Now, I can be able to do a lot on the internet, and also earn via Forex Trading and other activities such as learning about cryptocurrencies.

I started making use of the smartphone at an early age. My dad was the one who encouraged me to begin and I must say that it was a great idea as I have learnt a lot from the internet.

Now, I can be able to do a lot on the internet, and also earn via Forex Trading and other activities such as learning about cryptocurrencies.
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I started using smartphone since I was in secondary school. I began to use it for call and games. Though I played too much of games than calls. Then I began to change for a better smartphone to meet my needs. I used the one of Java and Window.
I have had the chance to use the earliest of them. The black one that is more or less the same as a cordless land phone.
I only got to use a smartphone when I got to higher institution, maybe I was 18 years old then. It was even because I would be needing it, otherwise the thought of buying a smartphone wouldn't even have occured to me.
I started using smartphone back then it's almost 7years now I purchased the first phone with my money the second phone was bought to me by my aunt
I used my first smartphone when I finished my high school. I bought it to celebrate that accomplishment, and I used the phone for a few years.