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What's your favorite chat messenger?


Active Contributor

Nov 26, 2023
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My favourite chat messenger have been my WhatsApp for years. All of my close friends are using WhatsApp and also our workplace makes use of it. This made it easy for it to become my favourite chat messenger.

What's your favorite chat messenger? Why do you like it so much?
I have only used WhatsApp a few times and not because it is bad, but only because none of my friends use it. Among my friends and family, Messenger from Meta is popular, but I don't like it very much, but I have to use it
I use multiple chat messenger. I use Messenger for chatting with friends and family. I use telegram and discord for professional services. I also have whatsapp and viber but I do not use these services too much. For me Messenger is best because I use it for personal communication. I use to char with my parents and siblings.
Facebook messenger and Discord is my favourite chat messenger. Most of my old friends are on Facebook messenger while my new friends from gaming are on Discord.
I mostly use Discord for personal with some Skype and Telegram mixed in and for work I use Teams.
Facebook messenger and Discord is my favourite chat messenger. Most of my old friends are on Facebook messenger while my new friends from gaming are on Discord.
In my opinion, Facebook Messenger is very convenient, but I have used Discord several times and it seemed to me too complicated at first glance to be able to communicate quickly. In my opinion, Discord is more designed for large companies that need many tabs in one chat
I doubt if I have a favorite messenger app, I simply use the one I feel like, or the one I get more messages from.
I doubt if I have a favorite messenger app, I simply use the one I feel like, or the one I get more messages from.
I also tried to adapt to each one in order to receive messages from different messengers, but I got tired of it and I simply decided to choose the most convenient one for myself and tell those who want to write to me to also register and also write in only one application
Google Talk. It was great till they killed it in favour of hangouts.

Now even Hangouts is gone. Do people use a messenger these days? I don't have one.
WhatsApp has been a very good instant messaging app. But I love Telegram more. Telegram groups can take up to 5000 members and one can share an almost infinite size of files on Telegram compared to WhatsApp.
I actually have two favorite messaging apps. I like to use iMessage and the facebook messaging app. I basically use them everyday.
I have used a couple of chat messengers to communicate for years, but Facebook and WhatsApp has been consistent for me.

I like the way that I am able to reach out to my friends and relatives on those platforms.
I am the guy who is very popular on Facebook and that also meant that most of my friends were made on that particular platform.

I talk more with friends from that platform than any other social media platform and what I like more is that it is possible to learn more about life by doing so there.
I have tried most of the popular chat messengers and haven't seen any better than WhatsApp and they are always adding more things to keep us satisfied.
WhatsApp has greatly improved over the years. It is the most popular chat messenger and it delivers the core functionality effectively. I just hope it would update and add a feature where you can ignore some messages and the person on the other side doesn't know you have read the message.
I use multiple chat messengers at the moment for both personal and work use, they are


I would have to say that my favourite to use would be messenger at this time but I feel that is because I use that one the most.
I have been using Facebook messenger and WhatsApp for a very long time now.

Those are the places where I have friends that I communicate with almost on a daily basis, and I enjoy having those conversations with my friends.

I am on the X app as well, but I don't blend well with friends there unlike those that are on Facebook and WhatsApp.
My favorite chat messenger is WhatsApp because of its simplicity, reliability, and cross-platform capabilities. The clean interface is user-friendly without being bogged down by excessive bells and whistles. I appreciate WhatsApp's privacy features like end-to-end encryption. But most importantly, it just works messages send smoothly, video calls have great quality, and I can seamlessly access my conversations across mobile and desktop.
If we talk about the network in general, I like Snapchat, but it is not very convenient to chat there. But WhatsApp is much cooler and it is convenient to send and receive messages there, and the interface is also very simple
My favorite messenger chat was Facebook for a long time and I think now a day's things have change and I mostly used WhatsApp because it's easy and interesting to use