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What's the most surprising thing you've learned about a different country?



Mar 28, 2024
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Visiting Japan, I was surprised to learn about the concept of "ikigai" a philosophy that roughly translates to "reason for being". It's a belief that every individual has a unique purpose, and finding it brings fulfillment and happiness. This mindset resonated deeply with me, and I realized that many Japanese people prioritize meaning and contentment over material success. This insight challenged my Western assumptions and inspired me to reevaluate my own values and life goals.

What's the most surprising thing you've learned about a different country?
I think the most surprising thing I have seen about other countries is that China has built a replica of paris.
I found out sometime ago that public transportation is free in Luxembourg. That is surprising considering that we I spend quite a lot on transportation in my country here. Imagine living in a place where I wouldn't have to worry about transport fare!
I found out while visiting Nepal that in Asia countries are influenced by China. Many of the products were on China in their market. I didn't see anything of Indian make. I like the food of Nepal because there were lots of Indians and most of the dishes available were Indian with Nepali touch.
Well, that shouldn't come as a surprise because China has the largest economy in Asia, so they will have a major influence on the Asian markets. But the Indian population is also high, so maybe India comes second.
The most surprising thing I have found about another country is food. People in other countries are eating foods that are not considered normal. For instance, in Thailand they eat toad, which is not normal in my home country. In Korea, they eat dogs and in out country eating dogs is unimaginable
The most surprising thing I have found about another country is food. People in other countries are eating foods that are not considered normal. For instance, in Thailand they eat toad, which is not normal in my home country. In Korea, they eat dogs and in out country eating dogs is unimaginable
Wait, they eat toad in Thailand? Isn't toad supposed to be poisonous? That's messed up. As for the dog part, we eat them in my country too!
Wait, they eat toad in Thailand? Isn't toad supposed to be poisonous? That's messed up. As for the dog part, we eat them in my country too!
I guess the toad they eat is not poisonous. Actually, People also eat snakes, which is poisonous. In Thailand and Korea, eating snakes is also common. I don't want to make fun of food people in other countries eat because people from other countries might find our food culture weird as well.
I guess the toad they eat is not poisonous. Actually, People also eat snakes, which is poisonous. In Thailand and Korea, eating snakes is also common. I don't want to make fun of food people in other countries eat because people from other countries might find our food culture weird as well.

Yes, different countries have different eating food habits. My elder brother when visited Thailand and Japan, he told in restuarant meat of crocodile and octopus was very common whereas in India we cannot imagine eating a crocodile.
I recently discovered that in France, they keep milk at room temperature!
Yes, different countries have different eating food habits. My elder brother when visited Thailand and Japan, he told in restuarant meat of crocodile and octopus was very common whereas in India we cannot imagine eating a crocodile.
Yes, I also cannot imagine eating crocodile and octopus. However, there are restaurants in our country that serves foreign food. I am not sure about crocodile meat but they sell octopus. In fact I even have some relatives who ate octopus and they say it is chewy and tastes good. But I cannot imagine eating octopus
I am pretty surprised that Switzerland has mountains that reach the sky. It is surprising to me because I have been to Kilimanjaro and it's height seemed terrifying for me. Not to talk of a mountain that reached the sky.
I was surprised at how almost everyone down in Mexico knows a little English. Even in the out of the way villages.
I guess the toad they eat is not poisonous. Actually, People also eat snakes, which is poisonous. In Thailand and Korea, eating snakes is also common. I don't want to make fun of food people in other countries eat because people from other countries might find our food culture weird as well.
Oh well, I guess I should not be surprised because we eat snakes over here as well. Food is food, as long as it does not kill anyone 😋😋.
One should not be surprised or shocked with food habits of any place. There should not be any prejudice around it. People eat what is readily available there and food habits develop accordingly. Only recently in civilization, one has started with transportation, export and import. Or technology has started growing foods that were not local few generations back.
Every country and culture has its own things so yes it's surprising for us and not for them. In India we worship trees and animals whereas others may find it funny
Yes, In Hindu mythology, there is a strong reverence for Nature. All natural things like Sun, Rivers, trees, wind, water, fire... everything is revered and worshipped. This might not make sense to many. But I guess that even in Greek mythology, they have Gods of wind, water etc. there might be a little similarity.
The strangest fact for me was that the country covers the most time zones. At first I was surprised, but then I found out that France owns many islands in the distant ocean and the time there is completely different, so it is true