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What's the most dangerous sports?

Yes, you're on point with naming hockey to be among the dangerous sports. I do not watch hockey very much but the one's which I did watched, there was so many accidents and injuries in it. I've seen someone whom was cut open and he died on the spot.
Yes, I also saw these videos and therefore from this I concluded that this is a very dangerous sport because I have never seen anything like this where a player could die from an injury. In football, there were deaths on the field, but it was not from injuries, but from problems of the organism
For me, American football seems the most dangerous because when I saw a couple of moments it was scary for me when such huge men just hit each other and it seemed to me that you can break all the bones there when many players fall on you. However, this is a very cool spectacle, albeit more brutal than European football
It should be wrestling, boxing or even Rugby or even American football because you can get badly injured if you are not careful and your opponent is evil minded.
Injury and death can happen on almost all sports, therefore, I believe all sports have some level of danger. However, I also believe some sports are more dangerous than others. I believe MMA or mixed martial arts is one of the most dangerous sports. I also believe that bike racing is also dangerous.
When it comes to sheer risk and potential for serious injury, few sports are as hazardous as professional bull riding. These athletes brave tangling with aggressive 2,000-pound beasts while clinging perilously to the bull's muscular back. One wrong move or missed dismount can result in trampling, goring, or worse.
I can't really say which is the most dangerous sport out there but for sure formula one has to be included in this list. Boxing is also a dangerous sport.

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