Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

What time did you wake today?

I woke about 20 mins ago, so 12:17 was the time that
I woke up. Slept a good 9 hours.
I've never been to a club, despite being invited several times. Too nervous. :(

It's a great place to be, just take it from me. You do not have to start too nervous about the whole thing. The tip I'm going to give you about going to club will be going with those whom you are very comfortable being with because sometimes things get awkward in the club. Also, it depends on the kind of club you're going to.
I had a bit of slight headache in the morning which made me to wake up around 6:45 am in the morning. I didn't have to bother too much about it since I wasn't going to work, I have all the time in the world to use it and rest during the day.
I woke up about 2 hours ago. The drugs I took for the flu and cough I had made me very sleepy. I can say the sleep was good for me. I feel better waking up this morning.
I woke up at the usual time which I normally wake up by 6am every day and I woke up feeling very strong and healthy unlike few days ago when I woke up with a very strong headache that messed up my whole day. But the good thing was that I didn't have to go to work that very day, so I had enough time to rest and recover.
I woke up at 8:20am today. Kinda early for me, but I went to sleep early last night.
I woke quite late today after another disturbed night of sleep due to being in pain. Hoping I sleep better tonight though.
I woke quite late today after another disturbed night of sleep due to being in pain. Hoping I sleep better tonight though.
I hope you feel better soon! Being in pain is the worst feeling ever. I was up around 9 this morning.
4pm. I didn't sleep until yesterday at 6am.
I woke up at 9am today.
It is always very difficult when you don't sleep well at night. You will definitely have to wake up early in the morning to face your daily duties for the day. This is exactly how I feel today because last night wasn't very okay with how I slept. It was around 3am in the morning I woke up. I hope I would be able to sleep well today in order to feel good in the morning.
I woke at 10.30 am today but didn't get out of bed until around 11.30 am
On weekdays I wake up as early as required to get ready for work. But on weekends, there is no specific time.

I like sleeping a bit more when I can.
On weekdays I wake up as early as required to get ready for work. But on weekends, there is no specific time.

I like sleeping a bit more when I can.
It is always nice to sleep in when you have a chance :)

I woke at 7.15 am today.
Yep, it is comfortable to sleep a bit more. It is not always possible. But do it if you can.

Is 7:15 am routine for you?
I woke up around 1am today, I had so much work to do, so I had to wake up as early as possible so I can get on with them, and I have been awake since that time till now.
No matter how much I tarry, my body has been accustomed to wake up not later than 7:30am. I would wake up, do morning runs and probably complete the sleep much later. So for me, I wake up by 7:30am everyday including today.
I woke up at 9:30 this morning. I wanted to sleep a little bit longer, but I couldn’t. I’ll probably take a nap later.