Discussion Hub

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What time did you wake today?

Even on weekends or on off days I prefer to wake up around 6 or 7 Am as I like to enjoy that day to the fullest and don't like to sleep for long to waste time LOL
I woke up a little late today because I slept late. I went to watch the champions League semi-final match between Dortmund and PSG last night and it was already late in the night before I got back.
I am experiencing terrible headache today not sure why, I did slept well last night and was up early around 6 which is my normal time but not sure whats making this headache terrible
I believe I woke up around 3am or there about this morning.
I woke up at 8 a.m. today because it was off on Sunday. Also, I was a bit tired working the whole week. I don't have any special plans today, so I will take a rest to get energized for the next week.
I woke up at 4:50 a.m. to use the washroom. I refused to get up that early and laid on my back in bed for about 15 minutes. I fell back to sleep and woke up again at 6:30 a.m. feeling rested.
I have to wake up at 4:30 am tomorrow as have to reach office by 6 am. It's hard for me to wake up so early because I have the habit of sleeping by 11:30 pm so get little sleep this week.
I was actually planning to wake up late today, but around 6:00 a.m this morning, I realized that I have to do some work in the garden, so I stood up 😥
Today I woke up around 5.45 Am and felt good after I slept for almost 7 hours straight.
Today I woke up around 5.30 Am so it was quite good even though I slept around 11 Pm last night
Yes sir, you are absolutely awake lol. I went to club last night and I had great fun. It have been so long since I went to have fun in the club last. I made every minute of it count last night. I was at the club till 4am in the morning. When I got home, I slept only a few hours and woke up around 6am.
How do I know I'm not dreaming and you aren't a figment?

Nope, this is a dream and we are all in it 😂
Sad Family Time GIF by Lifetime

I haven't woken up yet.
I am waking up around 6 am daily now and will start morning exercise soon as I need to shed some weight
@Cpvr Why so late? I usually wake up at 9 a.m. on Sundays, but on weekdays I wake up as per the shift schedules of my job. Sometimes, when I have a morning shift, I have to wake up at 4:30 a.m..
I currently don’t work so I don’t have a set sleep schedule. I go to bed late and wake up late.
I currently don’t work so I don’t have a set sleep schedule. I go to bed late and wake up late.

Oh . that's fine!!
Are you a student? Most students don't have a set sleep schedule if they don't go to school. On Sundays and on holidays, I also wake up late in the morning and sleep in the afternoon to refresh myself for work next week.
I usually wake up very early.. let's say 4am. It helps me prepare my day and set it in motion. I don't Ike getting caught unawares
Today is Sunday and normally I wake up at around 11am, however today I had a hair appointment to get my roots touched up so I had to wake up at 9am. I'm totally tired, but my hair looks fabulous! 😆
Man!.. I woke up like three times today ..
Shitload of work to do yday.. I gotta get out but still gotta rest .. 😆😂