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What time did you wake today?

I woke up at 6 in the morning. It was the alarm that woke me up. Most of the time I snooze alarm but today I did not have to snooze. I was able to wake up when the alarm went off. I had a quick bath, made a cup of coffee and started checking my emails and messages.
I slept very long today because I have a day off, although for most of the working day. At 11 o'clock
I like to wake up early in the morning so I mostly wake up around 4am
Today I woke up very early in the morning due to the fact that the wind was strong and therefore something was knocking very loudly on the street. It was 8 in the morning and I couldn't fall asleep again. That's why I decided to start doing things earlier
I have a stipulated time that I wake up on a daily basis and that is by 5am. It has become a normal routine for me.
I woke up at 4:30 am as I had to reach office at 6:00 am. I work in shifts so this week I am going in A shift at work. It's really hard to wake up so early.
I got out of bed at 6:10 a.m. but I had been awake for about 15-20 minutes.
I got out of bed at 6:10 a.m. but I had been awake for about 15-20 minutes.

Then what did you do? You slept again. In winters it happens with me too. I feel lazy in the morning, in winters.
I woke up around 11am today.
Today I woke up exactly at 5.19 Am and actually wasn't feeling 100% so stayed in bed until 7 Am and this all started after having a sore throat since Saturday
Today I woke up exactly at 5.19 Am and actually wasn't feeling 100% so stayed in bed until 7 Am and this all started after having a sore throat since Saturday

This usually happens to me in the winter when I don't like to get up early from bed, but I have to because of the job. What is the timing of your office? At what time do you usually wake up?
This usually happens to me in the winter when I don't like to get up early from bed, but I have to because of the job. What is the timing of your office? At what time do you usually wake up?
It's 9.30. I mostly wake up around 6 Am but since I slept around 10.30 yesterday Night so I may have finished my sleep quota and was able to get up around 5.19
Then what did you do? You slept again. In winters it happens with me too. I feel lazy in the morning, in winters.
Once I'm up it's hard for me to fall back to sleep again but on weekends sometimes I do.
I slept pretty late this past night, but I was able to wake up around after three this morning. It's still pretty early though.
I think 3 am is too early; it feels more like night to me. 😅

Unless I have a squeezing task to accomplish, I don't get up so early. If I don't get at least seven hours of sleep, I feel sick. How people retain their health on less sleep is beyond me.
It was at 5.45 something today and I did slept well even though I am still not 100% and hopefully I will be fine soon and get back to work
I woke up at 4:10 a.m. to use the washroom. When I got back to bed I just could not fall back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. Finally I gave up and got up at 5a.m.
I woke up at 4:10 a.m. to use the washroom. When I got back to bed I just could not fall back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. Finally I gave up and got up at 5a.m.

While most people claim they can't sleep any more after midnight once they wake up for any reason, that isn't the case for me. When someone wakes me up in the middle of the night, I fall asleep a short while later. Maybe that happens to me after a long day at work.
@Cpvr Why so late? I usually wake up at 9 a.m. on Sundays, but on weekdays I wake up as per the shift schedules of my job. Sometimes, when I have a morning shift, I have to wake up at 4:30 a.m..