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What movie never gets old to you?



Feb 28, 2024
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Are there any movies you can rewatch over, and over again? Which ones?

The Jurassic Park series. I can watch those movies every once in awhile, and they don't really get old.
"Playing For Time" it's a movie about the orchestra that was in Auschwitz concentration camp. I've watched it 3 times so far.
I am a typical family oriented person and the movie that never gets old for me is, "Daddy's Little Girls". I think it is a classic family story of a father standing up for his kids. I really would want to be that kind of dad when I grow and have kids.
I have seen a lot of movies. I mean, I enjoy watching movies as that is one of the great ways that I can relax and feel okay after a stressful day.

If I am asked to pick, I will say that 3 Idiots, an Asian movie, is one of the movies that I will never forget. I learnt a lot from the movie, and it is all about being patient and believing that all is going to be well at the end of the day.
There are a few films that I find myself revisiting time and again. Chief among them is the Coen brothers' cult classic "The Big Lebowski." I'm constantly amused and captivated by the eccentric characters, sharp-witted dialogue, and the sheer unpredictability of the narrative. It's a movie that reveals new layers and nuances with each viewing, making it a consistently engaging and rewatchable favorite of mine.
I have quite a few but the top of the list is 'Coward of the county' by Kenny Rogers. I so much love it in fact no day goes by that I don't listen to the song on repeat. Sometimes it gets deleted on my phone and I will just go and download it again, haha!
No matter how much I love a movie, I can't find myself rewatching it again. The only time I do this is when I am watching it with someone else who haven't watched it before, or there is a new sequel so am trying to refresh my memory.
For me, it's the movie Rocky with Stallone, because this movie is many years old and there are many new parts, but in my opinion, the first part will always be relevant
No matter how much I love a movie, I can't find myself rewatching it again. The only time I do this is when I am watching it with someone else who haven't watched it before, or there is a new sequel so am trying to refresh my memory.
So you mean that you don't repeat a movie for whatever reason? I do though, I could remember watching the Harry Potter movies over and over again over the course of 10 years!
So you mean that you don't repeat a movie for whatever reason? I do though, I could remember watching the Harry Potter movies over and over again over the course of 10 years!
Yes, the only time I might choose to repeat a movie is maybe because the first time I watched it was years ago, and I just want to watch it again cause there are certain things I believe I missed or didn't understand. Or maybe it's trending so I want to relive that moment again. But a situation where I watched a movie today, no matter how much I enjoyed it, I can never watch it again the next day or even that same month or year. Unless someone else is watching it for the first time.