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What is your favourite part of New Year's Eve?



Sep 23, 2023
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New Year's Eve has finally arrived and many of us will have different ways of bringing in the New Year. With that being said, what would you say is your favourite way to bring in the New Year each year? Do you do something specific that you look forward to?

Let us know :)
I enjoy watching the ball drop every year. When I was a kid, we used to go outside and bang pots and pans together which was fun to do. I haven't done that in a long time though, probably not since I was 12 or 13 years old. I don't drink much, so every once in a while I'll have a Smirnoff Ice on New Years Eve but this year I won't have any alcohol which is fine. We usually have appetizers to eat as well, but since everyone else is sick in my family right now I think we'll just be eating our own food at different times this year.
Celebrating with loved ones, the joyous atmosphere and the anticipation of a fresh start are my favorite parts of New Year's Eve. It cannot get any better without these elements. Last year I was all alone. Looking forward to having a great one this year.
You could do in each new year a review of what you did last year, and what objectives and goals you have attempted or not. After making this total review, you may place new objectives or decline old objectives depending on your situation.