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What Is your definition of love?

It is not good to rush into a relationship without knowing first the true character of the person. It is best to have a mutual respect and understanding to make a relationship run smooth,
In other words be friends with them first before taking it forward. These days we have people who want to start a relationship without even knowing much about who they are dating.
In other words be friends with them first before taking it forward. These days we have people who want to start a relationship without even knowing much about who they are dating.
That is true, I know of a friend, after meeting the girl, three days after he proposed and got married after two weeks. He said they have a perfect relationship up to this time.
That is true, I know of a friend, after meeting the girl, three days after he proposed and got married after two weeks. He said they have a perfect relationship up to this time.
Yea for some it has actually worked out for them but there are others it didn't work out for that way.
Yea for some it has actually worked out for them but there are others it didn't work out for that way.
Correct, and I am among the unfortunate being tested by love which is why love for me is mysterious in many ways.
Correct, and I am among the unfortunate being tested by love which is why love for me is mysterious in many ways.
Lol don't say you are unlucky, I have also had my share of it not working out for me. Just relax and keep growing yourself. The right one is definitely going to come.
Love is surely a mystery and is a bitter pill to swallow in case things does not work as per your expectations
Yes it can be a very painful experience when things do not work out the way you want them to be.
Lol don't say you are unlucky, I have also had my share of it not working out for me. Just relax and keep growing yourself. The right one is definitely going to come.
I hope so, it is also not good to end our sentence wit a period because we do not know where our destiny brings us though.
I hope so, it is also not good to end our sentence wit a period because we do not know where our destiny brings us though.
Yup, am pretty sure things will work out well sooner than you even think or realize.
Yup, am pretty sure things will work out well sooner than you even think or realize.
It is like magic but we are conscious of what we are doing though. Let is just ride on the tide of our fate. We never know what destiny wants us .
Love is sweet for those who were able to find true love and bitter for the unfortunate ones.
Love is sweet for those who were able to find true love and bitter for the unfortunate ones.
Lol very. What about you though, have you been able to find true love or are you still searching?
Love is also patient. There are times where you might fall for someone who has a very raw character, but cause love them, you try your best to be patient with them.
Exactly but there are some raw characters that I can't condole. Some people are intentional about their raw characters and they are not in any way trying to change because of love. They will tell you that if you didn't accept them like that, they won't change.
Exactly but there are some raw characters that I can't condole. Some people are intentional about their raw characters and they are not in any way trying to change because of love. They will tell you that if you didn't accept them like that, they won't change.
Funny thing I was talking to someone about this some time back. People want someone who would love them for who they are with all their flaws now that's good, but the problem is most of these people are not ready to work on their flaws. They just expect to be loved and excepted like that.
Love is so vast and I think that it's impossible to contain it in a definition. It has so many perceptions and different people will put it in different ways. For me it's doing little things over and over again for the same person despite getting annoyed at times. Lol! Or just enjoying all the ups and downs in the life together and stay assured that someone has got your back there.
I have been living with my husband for several years and we even have children, so I understand that love is support. We need to support each other in any situation. Even if the person is wrong, you should support and then solve it at home when no one will hear why she did that
Love is a strong feeling. It could change the attitude of the person. It could give us the strength from the weakness that we felt. Love changes our mood from loneliness to happiness and foremost we're willing to sacrifice in the name of love.