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What is the worst thing you have stepped on?



Sep 23, 2023
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Stepping on anything is painful but some things are more painful than others. Just a little while ago was walking through to get a drink and did not realize that something had been left on the floor which was a suction cup with a hook on it, not realizing it was there I stepped on it and it went in my foot. Luckily not a lot of blood and I was able to get it out but now my foot hurts quite a lot so going to keep an eye on it.

What is the worst thing you have stepped on?
I stepped on a tiny lego once while I was barefooted, the most excruciating pain I've felt, my foot was hurting for hours!!!
I had once stepped on a very very tiny piece of glass which when got in my foot, I hadn't realized until while walking I was feeling the poke (or whatever the word is). Then I took it out using a safety pin after cutting a bit of the skin around it.
I used to hunt with my both my grandfather and my father. We comb so many part of the forest when hunting. In one of our hunts, I stepped on bear poop. It was very disgusting. I couldn't stop vomiting after that experience. I became very careful where I put my foot afterwards.
My father and I once had a workshop in the garage and made some wooden products, so there were always a lot of nails around, and my father didn't really like to clean, and somehow it happened that one day I stepped on a nail and pierced my leg. I had to go to the hospital because the nail was rusty, which is dangerous
Stepping on nails and tags have been what I became used to in my teenage days. I used to work with a carpenter in his workshop. I've stepped on so many nails than I can count. I had to buy a slippers which had higher floor to make the nails not get my foot easily.
On a bomb, it nearly killed me. Just kidding
I have stepped on thorns multiple times, when in my farm. There are a lot of thorny trees in my farmhouse and sometimes these thorns get into your feet through the flip flops you are wearing. However, I have never hurt my legs badly while stepping on thorns
If you are into farming, having an encounter with thorns will be very common. There was a time when I had to kill a tree of thorns in my farm. After killing the tree, it littered so many thorns in my farm. It took 2 farming seasons to remove all the thorns that it fell into the farm.
I had once stepped on a very very tiny piece of glass which when got in my foot, I hadn't realized until while walking I was feeling the poke (or whatever the word is). Then I took it out using a safety pin after cutting a bit of the skin around it.
I also had such cases in my childhood, but what was even more frightening to me was the fact that I was told at school that if a small object gets into the skin, then it can reach the heart and injure it, so it was even more frightening to me, and I never kept silent about this and immediately told my parents to help me
Broken pieces of glasses which gave me a deep cut on my foot. It was dark, so I didn't see the glasses before stepping on them. I had to see chemist who pulled some of them out.
Broken pieces of glasses which gave me a deep cut on my foot. It was dark, so I didn't see the glasses before stepping on them. I had to see chemist who pulled some of them out.

There are so many kids who normally play on barefoot and it's usually bring it in them into the situation of stepping on broken glasses to hurt themselves within the neighbourhood if it is not well kept. I have cousins that are little and I forbade them from playing outside on barefoot.
I have stepped on a lot of things that I can't really remember which was the most painful both physically and mentally. Stepping on poop, especially the ones that the smell sticks around like cat poop can be pretty annoying. I have stepped on other painful things like nails, bottles, noddles and so on.
Cat poop is the worst only because most cats live in the house and you can walk around barefoot and that's the worst. If you wear shoes, the cat's poop is not so big and won't cause many problems. I hope you weren't barefoot at the time
I have stepped on a lot of things that I can't really remember which was the most painful both physically and mentally. Stepping on poop, especially the ones that the smell sticks around like cat poop can be pretty annoying. I have stepped on other painful things like nails, bottles, noddles and so on.
Cat poop is the worst only because most cats live in the house and you can walk around barefoot and that's the worst. If you wear shoes, the cat's poop is not so big and won't cause many problems. I hope you weren't barefoot at the time
Luckily I wasn't barefooted, it was not even indoors. Back then there was this cat that would also come into our compound to mess up the whole place.
I have stepped on a concrete nail. It bored through my flip flops and penetrated my feet. It was just so painful as I bled. I was given anti tetanus injection the following day to prevent any complications that might arise from that.
Lol I stepped on shit once while on morning walk.
I hope it wasn't barefoot because that would be very unpleasant and I also hope it wasn't fresh because the smell would be terrible. I also stepped on it very often, but I was always wearing shoes
The worst thing I've ever had the misfortune of stepping on was a stingray shuffled into the sandy shallows during a beach vacation. The searing pain as the venomous barb pierced my foot was excruciating and unforgettable. I had to be rushed to the hospital, where removing the barb and venom was an agonizing process.
I once stepped on a nail that was on the floor with the tip facing up. It was so painful because of the chemical in it. I had to immediately apply treatment to it, if not it will start swelling up and I might lose the feet.