Discussion Hub

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What is the weather like today?

It started with rain this morning but at the moment it's becoming pretty sunny.
Yes, it's too hot today, and the weather is humid, as I am sweating in the office today. I hate such weather. I hope we get rid of this weather soon. When is the arrival of the monsoon forecasted here? @Ginger
Weather is still quite hot and as per the weather report there is no respite from this hot and humid weather
It’s 97 degrees with a heat index of 110 degrees. It’s a very hot day today.
Had a pretty bad thunderstorm today, but seems to have cleared up now.
Sunny, hot and humid and its feeling like 50C already and you cannot travel via a motor bike in this heat
The weather today is confusing. We thought it would rain in the morning because the sky was cloudy, but it cleared up and now what we have is a blazing sún. Lol
We may have some small spells of rain during the weekend but it's not 100% as mostly the weather app likes to play with us lol
We've been experiencing fluctuating weather in the past few days. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it is burning hot. Even the weather forecast is not exactly accurate anymore.
It's been raining here for two weeks solid. It's only going up to 62F (15C) this afternoon.
It's been raining here for two weeks solid. It's only going up to 62F (15C) this afternoon.

You are fortunate that it's raining there. We are eagerly waiting for the rainfall here.
You are fortunate that it's raining there. We are eagerly waiting for the rainfall here.
The warmer weather is causing all the glaciers in the area to melt, and the snow pack on the mountains is melting too. That along with the constant rain, is making us concerned about the 2 rivers here overflowing their banks.
Yesterday was raining all day, so am guessing today would be sunny or at least to sunny to some extent if the rain decides to fall later in the day.
It's expected to stay hot and humid but it may rain a little and even that won't help and will make matters worse
Today is supposed to be a raining day but at the moment the sun is still shining so am not so sure if we would be getting any rain today.
It is cloudy today and we have a lot of wind but the sun has tried to make an appearance. Hoping we do get some sunshine today.

Happy the rain has stayed away.
Up here in the mountains it is a chilly 42F (5C) with wind and rain.
You stay in a mountainous region? How do you cope with the excessive cold and chilly wind?
Dress warm, let your taps drip at night so that the water doesn't freeze, and drive a big 4X4 SUV to get through the snow.