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What is the Internet of Things (IoT)



Oct 30, 2023
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You might have frequently, heard of Internet of Things (IoT), do you know exactly is this? Well, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of interconnected devices, vehicles, appliances, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data. Examples include smart thermostats, wearable fitness trackers, and connected cars.
I've heard of the Internet of Things and quite frankly I don't really like it. I don't like the idea of having all of my devices connected. It feels like my privacy is being invaded. My son showed me that he could use his phone to access my Fire TV. I did not like that. It annoyed me he could do that so easily.
IOT has made so much of noise and news in the recent times. Though I like the idea for few things, I would not personally like it to invade all my gadgets. You can switch on your AC in home much before reaching home through your mobile. Many modern day smart gadgets can be connected through Internet and can be remotely controlled. I don't find any personal benefit from it in my present life, but it seems to be helping a lot for others.
Oh Wow, I was not completely aware of it but have seen this IOT mentioned on many things and I guess I have seen that on smartwatches
Actually we are using many technologies around us but might not be aware of the terms used technically for that. The telemetric box in our cars that keep sending the data to the main server is actually IOT. These days, car doors can be opened using devices like smartphone. That's IOT in function.
That's something new for me. I have not heard of it ever or might have heard but never be able to know what is it.
That's something new for me. I have not heard of it ever or might have heard but never be able to know what is it.
That's what I said. Sometimes we use them without being aware of it. Some very obvious examples are switching on your TV with your mobile phone, switching on your AC from car before you reach your home. Many new appliances and gadgets have these options and you can connect them with your internet. Right from the simple thing of switching on and off the light.
We might not have such devices at home. But if you have a car, your car's telemetric box with unique number has IOT that sends the data to the server.
The internet of things is simply a system that would turn everything around you to become smart so that they can communicate with other smart devices to exchange data and be easily monitored for performance. Imagine having a pot that has a sensor and can be monitored through your phone to know the actual temperature it is being cooked at.
The internet of things is simply a system that would turn everything around you to become smart so that they can communicate with other smart devices to exchange data and be easily monitored for performance. Imagine having a pot that has a sensor and can be monitored through your phone to know the actual temperature it is being cooked at.
That's very well explained. And you have given a very nice example. And it's no more just an imagination. Things are reality now. My friend has few utensils in her kitchen and gadgets that are controlled by her smartphone.