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What is the best way for you to relax after a hard day's work?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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After work, I always want to rest, but it is not only sleep and the best methods that can help you relax in a short time. For someone, it can be music or fiddles, or maybe a hot bath. What is the best way for you to relax the fastest?
Watching movies and TV shows is the best way to relax for me after a hard and tiring day. I don't too often watch movies and TV shows, however, when I want to unburden myself, I always binge watch. I will be watching a couple of movies in a row or multiple episodes of the TV shows. I also enjoy cooking and eating.
People have different way they enjoy to relax which is why it is not going to be the same thing for everybody when it comes to how they choose to relax after they are back from work. If I'm asked how I enjoy to relax when I am back from work, it will be sitting in my couch and enjoying some cool music while doing some little things on my phone.
People have different way they enjoy to relax which is why it is not going to be the same thing for everybody when it comes to how they choose to relax after they are back from work. If I'm asked how I enjoy to relax when I am back from work, it will be sitting in my couch and enjoying some cool music while doing some little things on my phone.
It seemed to me that most people prefer the movie, because then you can put aside all thoughts and focus on the plot. I am sure that music relaxes you, but the smartphone takes too much attention and it does not allow you to forget about everything and rest
It seemed to me that most people prefer the movie, because then you can put aside all thoughts and focus on the plot. I am sure that music relaxes you, but the smartphone takes too much attention and it does not allow you to forget about everything and rest

Yes, when you are watching movies, you are relaxing, watching and enjoying yourself. It is not like some people who enjoy playing video games as a means of relaxation. This is very different from sitting down to see a movie because when you are playing video games, you are actively involving yourself in playing the game which some people might not find relaxing.
I think it all boils down to personal preference, what you might consider as the best way to relax might not be the best for the next person. Personally what I would love to do to relax after work is to simply have good food, or some snacks and watch a good movie while in bed.
Watch t.v., listen to music, take Doggie out for a walk. (seriously that's his name "Doggie")
I think it all boils down to personal preference, what you might consider as the best way to relax might not be the best for the next person. Personally what I would love to do to relax after work is to simply have good food, or some snacks and watch a good movie while in bed.
Oh man, I understand you, for me there is also nothing better than coming home to take a bath and then have a very, very delicious meal while watching some cool movie. This doesn't happen to me often, but I just love it
Listening to music over a cup of coffee, works every time to relax me.
Listening to music over a cup of coffee, works every time to relax me.
But it can't be that you drink coffee in the evening after work, because it doesn't interfere with your sleep. Because in most cases it would not allow me to fall asleep as soon as usual
But it can't be that you drink coffee in the evening after work, because it doesn't interfere with your sleep. Because in most cases it would not allow me to fall asleep as soon as usual
90% of my work is done from home. I usually stop working by 6 p.m. and that is when I have my last cup of coffee for the day. Coffee doesn't bother me as to sleep. I often have a coffee at 3 p.m. and then immediately have a 10-15 minute nap right after. The naps serve to recharge my brain battery.
Oh man, I understand you, for me there is also nothing better than coming home to take a bath and then have a very, very delicious meal while watching some cool movie. This doesn't happen to me often, but I just love it
Same here, it doesn't happen very often but the few times I get to experience this are just simply pure gold to me.

Lean back and relax, spend some time playing some favourites. Nothing comes close for me.

Lean back and relax, spend some time playing some favourites. Nothing comes close for me.
I like to listen to music in order to distract myself from problems and also to forget a little about the passage of time, but it cannot relax me for a long time. But I like people who relax a lot from music because they seem somehow calmer
A simple distraction is enough. Some kind of music is really powerful. Soft music is more than a remedy in some cases.

Hot numbers work too.
The best way for me to relax after a hard day's job is to read some insightful stuffs about life and any other thing that peaks my interest at the moment. Reading has always been a very good tool of relaxation for me.
Whenever I get back from work, I try to relax myself after taking my bath and also sleeping because it helps me to recover from the whole stress of working throughout the day.
Yeah when I get back home I usually collapse unto the sofa and probably switch on the TV. I also make sure that I either prepare my favorite food or other some chicken or pizza to satisfy my cravings.
Nothing like chicken or pizza accompanied with some wine!
As for me, I grab my popcorn, fruit juice and collapsed on the sofa and start to consume them while watching my favorite movie on the television.
The best way for me to relax quickly is to step away from whatever is causing stress and practice some deep breathing exercises. I'll find a quiet spot, close my eyes, and take several slow, purposeful breaths inhaling through my nose and exhaling out through my mouth. This helps calm my mind and release physical tension almost immediately.