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What food have you disliked your whole life?



Sep 23, 2023
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We all have foods that we dislike, some may be ones we have disliked all our life and others may be ones that we have started to dislike as we have gotten older.

Of all the foods you have eaten, which ones have you disliked your whole life?
I've been disliking every food item that had brinjal in it. It's not only because of the texture that vegetable has but also because it kind of gives me an itchy tongue whenever I have one. I will never have anything that has brinjal in it. In India, they make a few curries that taste great with brinjal in them. I avoid eating those curries, hehe.
Seafood. Its crazy that I dislike seafood since my entire family LOVE everything seafood, especially fish, shrimp and crabs so during celebrations thats what was in the menu! Yuck!!! The one thing that I kinda like a bit is shrimp ceviche, but I am allergic to shellfish so all I can have is one shrimp and I'm done.
For me it is BEETS! Not sure why I am so grossed out by it, but when I was a child my parents made some dish with beets in it for dinner and I couldn't eat it, I was getting sick to my stomach. When I told my dad I couldn't do it, he forced me to continue eating, so eventually I threw up right in my plate. That was the last day I would eat beets.

I don't have specific tastes, but the only thing I don't like is spicy food, because I don't understand the point of eating something spicy when you don't even feel the taste. And also I don't like fish in any way of cooking because I don't like its smell and taste since childhood and I can't understand why
One food I have disliked my whole life is mushrooms.
I hate the texture of them.
I hate mushrooms so much too. Their texture feels weird and also I do not like how they smell. The first time I had mushroom soup, I almost vomited into the bowl of soup. Since that day, I have never tasted anything made with mushroom.
Where I come from, we eat more of vegetable based soups. And one of the foods that I dislike is any soup that has melon as major or minor ingredient. Melon based soups are very popular and likeable among people in my country but it has not just resonated with me right from childhood.
I dislike bitter gourd and not aware how others are able to eat and some even have it's juice.
Liver is a food I've detested for as long as I can remember. No matter how it's prepared - fried, sautéed, or smothered in onions - the metallic, gamey flavor just turns my stomach. The mushy, organ-like texture doesn't do it any favors either. Even as a kid, I'd refuse to touch liver and onions when my parents made it for dinner. To this day, I avoid it at all costs. While I'm usually an adventurous eater, liver is where I draw the line. Its strong, off-putting taste and smell are totally unappetizing to me.
I don't like cheese not sure why so I avoid it at any cost.
One food I have disliked my whole life is mushrooms.
I hate the texture of them.
I can't really remember the taste of mushrooms though, the last time I ate one was when I was still small. Though over here mushrooms are not all that common.
I still don't like the salad made of turnip which my whole family like and it tastes sweet but I don't like it and don't think I will ever have it LOL
Hmm...I have always disliked ridge gourds in my life. I know it's good for your health, but I still dislike it, whereas my wife and kids like it, and my wife cooks it at least once a week. She would cook it even more if I didn't dislike it.
Pork, it just doesn't agree with me and I get a queezy feeling in my gut if I eat it which I hardly ever do.
I have never tried pork , beef in my life. I don't like non vegetarian food.
Pork, it just doesn't agree with me and I get a queezy feeling in my gut if I eat it which I hardly ever do.
Though I have eaten pork a few times and it is sweet but If one should be honest, pork is not really that good for us, due to the amount of fat it has.
Hmm...I have always disliked ridge gourds in my life. I know it's good for your health, but I still dislike it, whereas my wife and kids like it, and my wife cooks it at least once a week. She would cook it even more if I didn't dislike it.
I like the filled one and these are not so bitter so can be taken