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What do you think are the most important skills for travel?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa
Feb 9, 2024
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When I first went on a trip by car, I thought it would be easy because I had a smartphone with internet and a map and I couldn't get lost, but then problems started when I drove into some small village that wasn't even marked on the map and I just didn't know how to get there. And I really needed communication skills and English lessons at that time
Language skill is the most important skill when you are traveling. If you cannot communicate with the locals, you cna be in trouble. While it is not possible to learn every language of the place you are visiting, you can of course try to learn basic language skills or at leat few important phrases of the language.
It is very important for you to understand the language of the country you are traveling to because when you can't understand the language of the people of the country you are traveling to, it will be very difficult for you to communicate which will make such movement very unsatisfactory for you.
It is very important to know the language of the country you are traveling to, because without it you can simply get lost even in a small place and no one will help you. I had several such moments when I knew English but the other person didn't and we spent a lot of time to understand each other
It is very important to know the language of the country you are traveling to, because without it you can simply get lost even in a small place and no one will help you. I had several such moments when I knew English but the other person didn't and we spent a lot of time to understand each other

Without knowing and understanding the language of the place you are travelling to, it is going to be very difficult for you to do anything with the people living in such location unless you can be able to pay for someone who is going to be your translator which is going to cost you a lot of money.
Communication skills matters a lot. How you communicate with others will definitely make it a lot easier when Traveling. It would also help in terms of asking questions in a situation where you are lost.
Communication skills matters a lot. How you communicate with others will definitely make it a lot easier when Traveling. It would also help in terms of asking questions in a situation where you are lost.
I was even convinced of this from my own experience, because sometimes even translators will not help to understand a person. Moreover, someone may be in a hurry and not have time to use an interpreter. You also need to have good manners and politely communicate with those who help you
I was even convinced of this from my own experience, because sometimes even translators will not help to understand a person. Moreover, someone may be in a hurry and not have time to use an interpreter. You also need to have good manners and politely communicate with those who help you
Yes that's true, having good manners does help a lot. There are persons due to their nasty character, they usually find it hard to find help from others cause they don't even know how to bring themselves down to be helped.
Attitude. You are far from your comfort zone and there is a good chance that every you meet want to scam you, steal from you or get the better of you. A strong attitude is very important if you are travelling alone or unknown towns.
Adaptability, openness to new experiences, and the ability to go with the flow are crucial skills for travel. Being an observant, respectful visitor cognizant of cultural norms is key. Strong problem-solving and improvisation abilities help navigate the unexpected hiccups that inevitably arise. Language skills, even just basic phrases, foster connection and enhance interactions.
Respect to all. Many tourists are very disdainful to local residents because they consider themselves to be much better. It looks very terrible when I see such disrespect and before traveling you should remember that you are a guest in a foreign country even if you have a lot of money