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What causes your mood to shift?

Yeah I know and I know how to handle them so I better not shy away and should face them
If we are carried away by our emotions we will be like fools and later people call us losers because of our mood that is not good for them to see. Let us never be like dumb.
That's why I feel I should do better and should face them with smile so that they don't feel if I am feeling worried or depressed
If we are carried away by our emotions we will be like fools and later people call us losers because of our mood that is not good for them to see. Let us never be like dumb.
Very true because in that moment you let your emotions get the best of you, you end up making silly decisions that might make you seem foolish.
For me my moods are moved by the financial matters for that case.
There is nothing that would change my ever bright mood if it is not financial issues. That rarely happens this days because I seem to have sorted out my finances to an extent.
Very true because in that moment you let your emotions get the best of you, you end up making silly decisions that might make you seem foolish.
When we are not in a good mood, people can see us having a long face, and they can assess us us having a problem or something disturbing us.
For me it's good food, get together with a family or a holiday which changes my mood. Mostly I like to stay at home but when have a holiday my mood changed and I wish to go for a long drive with my family.
It is normal thing to shift our mood. e are only humans and not perfect It s also not all the time that we are not in the good mood.
Yes, it's normal when we have emotions , our mood changed with the things and it's abnormal we don't have mood swings.
Our mood swings differently according to a situation that's not usual in our stimulus like seeing a fight, a gun shot, an accident or the happiest scene that embarks dilation of your eyes and fast throbbing of the heart.