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What causes your mood to shift?



Mar 18, 2024
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Are you a moody type of person? Well, we are only humans. We are not stones so we can shift our moods. It also depends on its cause. For women, one reason for a shit of mood according to a medical doctor is the menstruation period. If it is coming, it is observed the shift of a woman's' mood. Others might be money-related causes. It may also be about financial problems. Whatever it is, shifting of mood is temporary.
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There are certain reasons why my mood might change. There are times when I expect my bestie to reply but she doesn't for hours, my mood might change. Then when things do not go as planned my mode might also change.
There is no such thing that I can name because My mood can swing at small or big things and sometimes it change by seeing a person
There are certain reasons why my mood might change. There are times when I expect my bestie to reply but she doesn't for hours, my mood might change. Then when things do not go as planned my mode might also change.
I understand your feelings. When there is a message you are waiting for from a special someone and does not happen as you expect, your mood auto shift to a bad mood,lol.
I understand your feelings. When there is a message you are waiting for from a special someone and does not happen as you expect, your mood auto shift to a bad mood,lol.
Yea it can be pretty annoying, imagine I waited the whole day yesterday and there was no message. She was busy posting on her status. Am so pissed. I don't know if I should just lockup or react.
There are people that I don't like and upon seeing them at a place I start feeling bad and they mostly spoil my mood, although I should not bother myself with that
Yea it can be pretty annoying, imagine I waited the whole day yesterday and there was no message. She was busy posting on her status. Am so pissed. I don't know if I should just lockup or react.
That is love, you will act like that if you are not in love with the person. You have to express your feelings to gain a mutual respect and understanding.
That is love, you will act like that if you are not in love with the person. You have to express your feelings to gain a mutual respect and understanding.
Lol we are just friends right now though.
if you are just friends, then why do you react that way? Why are you missing her text messages when there's no love in your heart?
Okay okay to be honest we have actually talked about this...I like her and she is aware of it. And recently she also said she has the same feeling but she is the type that completely sucks in expressing her emotions and she is not ready for a relationship, I myself am not ready cause I told her I want to focus on my business and when I go into a relationship is for marriage not just to date. So we both agreed to stick to the best friends level for now and try to understand each other better while we sort out our issues.
Okay okay to be honest we have actually talked about this...I like her and she is aware of it. And recently she also said she has the same feeling but she is the type that completely sucks in expressing her emotions and she is not ready for a relationship, I myself am not ready cause I told her I want to focus on my business and when I go into a relationship is for marriage not just to date. So we both agreed to stick to the best friends level for now and try to understand each other better while we sort out our issues.
That is the best option, and in that way, you'll also know each other better. It is not good to decide impulsively to avoid regrets and heartaches.
That is the best option, and in that way, you'll also know each other better. It is not good to decide impulsively to avoid regrets and heartaches.
True but what annoys me is her attitude or not responding on time, I am extremely easy but whenever she sends a message I always ensure I answer her on time.. and if I don't answer on time she asks questions like what was I doing and all that. But she always replies late to me. If I talk about it, most times it leads to arguments.
True but what annoys me is her attitude or not responding on time, I am extremely easy but whenever she sends a message I always ensure I answer her on time.. and if I don't answer on time she asks questions like what was I doing and all that. But she always replies late to me. If I talk about it, most times it leads to arguments.
That is one clue about individual differences in terms of responsibility and love. You must not take your feelings seriously it must be only 50/50 .
There can be many things that make us feel bad or even inferior but we should have our self esteem and pride and should ignore these things
For most people it's not so easy to ignore these things especially when it's coming from someone you seriously care about or love.
I do face this a lot with some of my colleagues and even my relatives but I guess I need to find a way to ignore
Yes it's about finding a way that best suits you or in most cases limiting how much you interact with them.
I do face this a lot because I do hate many people like that and start feeling depressed seeing them
Well don't let them get to you, try your best to ignore them instead of getting depressed.