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What can instantly ruin a friendship?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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What can instantly ruin a friendship in your case? Would it be dishonesty, lying, gossips, betrayal, blackmail or being envious?

If you've ended your friendship with anyone, what led to ending the friendship?
For me, one of my friendships was ruined by the fact that I believed in god

She didn't, so it was over
For me, one of my friendships was ruined by the fact that I believed in god

She didn't, so it was over
Religion can never come in between me and anyone. Everyone is free to believe and not believe in what they choose. I'm friends with atheists, we all get along well.
Lies and deceit can never work for me in a relationship or any kind of friendship. If I can't take your time word for something, there's no need for us to be friends.
When they lie to you and talk behind your back.
That will instantly ruin any friendship.
If you have lied to me as a friend or in our relationship, it would be in your best interest to make sure I would never find out about the lie. Do anything necessary and possible to hide the lie from me because the moment I find out, it will be over between us.
Betrayal, dishonesty, and lack of trust can instantly ruin a friendship. These destructive actions break the foundation of mutual respect and undermine the emotional connection between friends. Communication breakdowns, unresolved conflicts, and constant negativity can also contribute to the downfall of a friendship.
When they lie to you and talk behind your back.
That will instantly ruin any friendship.
I would not mind so much when someone talks behind my back. As long as whatever he or she is saying about me in my back, I will not have any problems with it. It will only become a problem when the person decides to slander my name with lies just to make himself or herself feel good or better then me. I will not let it go unanswered.
I am not someone that lets a friendship die easily but some things can happen that will make me no longer want anything to do with a friend. Those are:

Going behind my back or talking behind my back
Spreading gossip that is not true about me or our friendship.
I am not someone that lets a friendship die easily but some things can happen that will make me no longer want anything to do with a friend. Those are:

Going behind my back or talking behind my back
Spreading gossip that is not true about me or our friendship.
I do not blame those whom have given on any kind of friendship because of how many times those they have trusted as friends ended up betraying them. Building takes a lot of work but how some people throw all of that effort away because of their selfish desires is very disappointing.
I do not blame those whom have given on any kind of friendship because of how many times those they have trusted as friends ended up betraying them. Building takes a lot of work but how some people throw all of that effort away because of their selfish desires is very disappointing.
I agree with this, it is such a shame that some people value friendship so little that they would be willing to lose it just by being selfish. One can only hope in the end that they realize the error of their ways.
I would not mind so much when someone talks behind my back. As long as whatever he or she is saying about me in my back, I will not have any problems with it. It will only become a problem when the person decides to slander my name with lies just to make himself or herself feel good or better then me. I will not let it go unanswered.

Lies are the deal breaker for me. You can't tell lies behind my back and expect to have an easy ride with me. It is never possible and I don't think that I am going to stay friends with anyone that does that. I mean, why are you planning on messing up my name for some reasons best known to you? If you are my friend, stick to understanding and being in good terms with me and that involves speaking good of me at my back!
I agree with this, it is such a shame that some people value friendship so little that they would be willing to lose it just by being selfish. One can only hope in the end that they realize the error of their ways.
I have found out that these kind of people who do not care so much their friendship with someone for them to be willing to throw everything away for one small selfish reasons doesn't have any human conscience left in them because if they do, they will value whatever friendship they have built with another person.
In my opinion, the most common thing that can break a friendship is borrowing money. I have had many cases when I saw that money was lent to a friend and in 90 percent of cases he did not return the money and that was the end of the friendship. It is very sad that sometimes it was even for small amounts of money
I have made this decision about lending money to my friends a very long time ago after it was clear to me that not even one of them can be trusted with money. If you need money, go to the bank or money lenders to apply for loan. I would no longer put myself in a position to lose my money to my friends.
But it is very strange on the part of friends when they do this. After all, if they really consider you a friend, then what is the problem of returning the money, otherwise it can be considered as robbery. Enter the trust to ask for funds and simply not return them, knowing that you yourself will stop communicating with them
This is what they call having friends who will always be looking for ways to take advantage of your friendship with them. They don't care about how what they are doing is going to affect their relationship with you, they just care only about themselves. It's why I don't leave them access to my money.
When I was in my high school, I never objected to certain remarks from a friend of mine but once I was in bad mood and I objected. At the mean time, the teacher saw and sent me out of the class. I did not speak to this friend for 4 years. Sometimes silly things can actually ruin your friendship. You don't need a proper reason
I would say that it's when you're kids or younger that silly things can ruin your relationship or friendship with your friends. This hardly happens with adults in my opinion. Kids doesn't know how handle some things well and that's why silly things interfere with their friendship.
I am not someone that lets a friendship die easily but some things can happen that will make me no longer want anything to do with a friend. Those are:

Going behind my back or talking behind my back
Spreading gossip that is not true about me or our friendship.
That's because real friends would never do that behind your back. However, it is not always possible to find out, and sometimes when someone spreads false thoughts, you can break friendship with the wrong person who actually did it, and thus you can lose a true friend. That's why people who did it risked a lot