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Swimming is a sport

Lol I can imagine, let's just be grateful notting happened in the end.
Yeah, and that was the reason why my father hired a swimmer tutor to teach me to swim. At first, I was so afraid but after some practice, I found it very challenging . At 17, I became a deep sea swimmer and won in many swimming competitions.
It's really a sport, because before I just swam in the pool, but there were people training nearby who had to perform in competitions, and I asked one of them, they said that they train 5-6 hours a day, and I realized how difficult it is to be in the water for so long . And besides that, they also train in the gym
That was what I experienced when my dad hired a swimming coach for me. I learned swimming at age 7 and at age 17, I can swim n the deep sea. I underwent difficult trainings and it was so tiring that I almost give up but my coach pushed me not so, here I am now, can swim in deep sea.
Off course swimming is considered as a sports and it's part of the exercising the body and you will also gain a lot of fitness but many hasn't realized