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Summer or winter?

I prefer the summer. I can’t stand the winter. Cold days and nights aren’t my favorite type of days.

I know it is because of our individual differences in how we are built that God knows why it is very important to make different seasons to be in the existence of the cycle of climatic change in a year because it is not everyone that likes cold weather or hot weather vice versa.
I would definitely go with winter, because I don't like the hot seasons, but unfortunately we do not have winter over here in my location, what we have is the raining season or hamattan season.
There is no winter season in my country, so I wouldn't know how it feels like, and whether I will like it or not. But summers that are not too hot are okay for me.
Personally, I'm more of a summer person. I love the long, sunny days, the warmth of the sun on my skin, and the abundance of outdoor activities and events that summer brings. While I can appreciate the cozy charm of winter, I find the cold temperatures, short daylight hours, and sometimes dreary weather to be a bit draining after a while.
Contrary to both of you, I prefer the summer. We don’t get enough sun here in the UK, so I value it more. Winter is also nice but nothing beats a hot day in the sun.
Really? Over here I think we have had enough sun. The weather this period is so hot, that even now that we are in the rainy season, we hardly see enough rain.
I like snow and winter weather, but I'm not very happy with this season because my body can't stand low temperatures, but I also don't like summer because it's very difficult to hide from the heat, but I'll still choose summer
I don't like shoveling snow and can do without the expensive heating bills. I would live in a country that had warm days 12 months of the year if I could.
I like winter more than summer because I don't like sweating. I like sitting under the sun during the winter. That's true. I get tired of wearing too many clothes in the winter, but that's fine as it protects me from the cold.
I prefer winter because for me it is a time of rest and holidays. I love this period because people are much friendlier during this period. I also love snow because it creates an incredible atmosphere
I prefer the summer rather than winter. because colds days are not my type and I am tired of wearing sweaters in other to be warm
If it is possible that summers can be just warm, without extreme heat, it would have been the best season. But as it stands now, winter is the ideal season for me to thrive. I can't step out on a sunny day. And that always affects my productivity.
Winters are better if we compare it with summers because summers are so humid in India that you cannot even step outside in the sun during summers.