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Share a movie recommendation that you think more people should watch



Sep 23, 2023
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So many movies tend to be released each year and it can often leave us missing some of the awesome movies that we would have liked to have watched but did not know were available.

Of all the movies you have seen, what movie recommendation do you have that you feel more people should watch?
soul surfer
based on a true story, about a girl called bethany who loves surfing and does it for like compititions and such

one day she's surfing with her best friend and she gets bitten by a shark and loses an arm

well, I'm not going to spoil it, but needless to say it works out quite well for her in the end and her best friend (who is also her rival), has a change of heart
Scent of a Woman!
if you want to learn about the kind of society we are living in, you should certainly watch this movie. The movie features Al Pacino in the lead role.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
With Jack Nicholson in the lead role this movie is must watch for people who want to know how society treats individuals.
Clockwork Orange
This is a dystopian move, if you have faint heart, avoid watching this movie. If you can watch brutal scenes, you will understand so many things about our society
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The film Papillon does not have any very deep meaning, it simply shows the lust for life of the unjustly convicted and how they try to escape from prison even in the face of the threat of receiving an even longer term. As far as I'm concerned, people with suicidal tendencies need to have a zest for life
Peaceful Warrior. In my opinion, this film deserves much more attention because it is definitely needed for those who want to live a full life. I also read the book and somehow both the book and the movie deserve respect but not so many people have seen the movie
At the moment I am watching "Iron Commander" 2. It gives a very god overview of fighting in WW2 from the German's side. It is very well done and totally realistic.
I never like to impose my opinion on someone, but maybe you should watch the movie Interstellar
I highly recommend the psychological thriller "Memento." This inventive film's nonlinear storytelling and unique perspective on memory and identity make it a truly mesmerizing viewing experience. The sharp, clever script keeps you constantly engaged, while the lead performance is an absolute tour de force. It's a cerebral, unconventional gem that deserves more widespread recognition and appreciation.
I can't recommend a very educational movie that can teach people something new or rethink something, but I would recommend a movie that just recently came out that is Champions with people with mental disabilities in the main roles
For does who like watching 3d animations, I would recommend Jade dynasty it's still ongoing, it's an action animation. For does who are deep thinkers,it would make you question if does who call themselves the good guys are really good, and how anyone is capable of love, even does we consider as evil.
For those that have not watched the Harry Potter series, I would strongly suggest that you do so right away. I promise you that you will not regret it!