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Politeness around the world?

I believe that politeness and respect is very important in the Japanese culture but that's pretty well it.
There are some cultures here in my country that don't joke with this, they could physically discipline you as a young one when you fail to be polite to am elderly person.
There are some cultures here in my country that don't joke with this, they could physically discipline you as a young one when you fail to be polite to am elderly person.
We should all be polite to our elders.
In my opinion, this is true because some countries want to be much better in this regard, and it is precisely because of the politeness of the entire population that people go to them much more often and with greater desire. I think this is a cool method to increase tourism
Based on my reading of cultures and traditions, I think the Buddhists are the most polite people in the world. While other religions fought religious wars and some are still fighting, the Buddhist, throughout its 2500 years history have been polite people. Politeness is one of the fundamental values of Buddhism.

No religion teaches us impolite with others. Have you read this in any religion?
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Do some cultures care more about politeness than others?

Where does being polite seem most important?

I haven't been to other countries but just in what I've gathered (through other means), different cultures can have extremely different definitions of politeness and how people should be behaving. Japan for example.
It's highly believed that cultural norms and values are what makes the difference in politeness between people
Do some cultures care more about politeness than others?

Where does being polite seem most important?

I haven't been to other countries but just in what I've gathered (through other means), different cultures can have extremely different definitions of politeness and how people should be behaving. Japan for example.

Even in my country, there are certain tribes who are more polite and respectful than the others. I honestly wish, on a daily basis, that a lot of people begin to understand the need to show kindness to others.
No religion teaches us impolite with others. Have you read this in any religion?
I think he ment some religion put in more effort in this aspect compared to others who practice other religions. In other words it's not the religion itself but the people who practice it.
But today's generation doesn't believe in it. For them, it seems being polite means weak. They think if a person is polite, then he or she can be overpowered easily, but that is not the case. We need to change their mentality.
Exactly that's the painful thing. They always want to prove to everyone that they are strong by being rude or violent.
Exactly that's the painful thing. They always want to prove to everyone that they are strong by being rude or violent.

We need to find out the ways to make them understand that everything can't be solved by being violent and aggressive. Most of time things are solved by communicating logically.
I think the best way right now is by us setting an example for them to see.
I think the best way right now is by us setting an example for them to see.

Maybe that's one of the good way. I have been teaching my kids the same thing but it seems they are not interested in learning it.
Even though I haven't been to any other country till now but I feel politeness means to not disrespecting anyone and should have friendly behavior with everyone
It all comes down to how parents raised their children to be polite. In actuality, parents don't really contribute much to their children's upbringing. This explains why it appears that our age lacks empathy and politeness.
It all comes down to how parents raised their children to be polite. In actuality, parents don't really contribute much to their children's upbringing. This explains why it appears that our age lacks empathy and politeness.
They focus always for easy solutions, the majority of them. Instead of headache to listen children they give them pocket money once a week and relationship ends there.
Even though I haven't been to any other country till now but I feel politeness means to not disrespecting anyone and should have friendly behavior with everyone

That's true. But people don't understand it. Daily, we read or see in the news how people disrespect other religions. Today only I saw a man posing a photo of a cow beheaded and teasing people. What does it mean?
Politeness around the world are good to have in to achieve goals
That's true. But people don't understand it. Daily, we read or see in the news how people disrespect other religions. Today only I saw a man posing a photo of a cow beheaded and teasing people. What does it mean?
A video of a cow that is beheaded? I don't even know what that means, and what exactly does he want to accomplish by posting that video?