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Politeness around the world?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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Do some cultures care more about politeness than others?

Where does being polite seem most important?

I haven't been to other countries but just in what I've gathered (through other means), different cultures can have extremely different definitions of politeness and how people should be behaving. Japan for example.
I have not been to other countries myself and I have noticed they tend to be different when it comes to politeness. Most tend to care the same amount as we do here in the UK regarding politeness but I do know that there are some countries that are quite strict when it comes to politeness and how it is used.
Politeness is down to how parents brought up their kids to behave. In reality, most parents doesn't play much role in their child's upbringing. This is why it looks like this our generation lacks manners and empathy.
You will hardly find any kind of politeness online. Most people are jerks online, they are just keyboard warriors with no respect for anyone. This might different when they meet you in person.
The modern generation of kids we have today are not polite in any way, you can see this very well with how a lot of them are very toxic online with how they use social media without any respect and no manners simply because the can't suffer consequences for what they say to people online.
Yes, there are some cultures that prioritize politeness more than others. Being polite is valued in a lot of countries. A few of them are Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. If you visit these countries, even as a tourist you'll feel like you are at home because the people are too polite in these places.
You will hardly find any kind of politeness online. Most people are jerks online, they are just keyboard warriors with no respect for anyone. This might different when they meet you in person.

This is true. A lot of people on the internet can only talk more online and are puppets offline. You begin to wonder how influential they can be offline and you can't see. This is the reason they can talk anyhow while on the internet, and that is really strange.
This is true. A lot of people on the internet can only talk more online and are puppets offline. You begin to wonder how influential they can be offline and you can't see. This is the reason they can talk anyhow while on the internet, and that is really strange.
Yes, this is how it with so many of those people whom are with loud mouth on the internet. They can't and will not lift a finger or even say anything to your face in real life. This is why I don't have time to engage those kind of persons online because they are not worth my time.
I don't want to offend anyone, but I have been to several countries and I can only speak about myself, who was probably more polite than all the people I met at that time. Maybe it's just a modern mentality, but I didn't like how they communicated with me as a tourist.
Yes, there are some cultures that prioritize politeness more than others. Being polite is valued in a lot of countries. A few of them are Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. If you visit these countries, even as a tourist you'll feel like you are at home because the people are too polite in these places.
This is true and you can feel it with the way their culture is being practiced all over the country. Where ever you go to, the local people will be so willing to embrace you and make sure that you feel comfortable being in their locality. It will be very hard to see anyone who's a racist in such places.
Based on my reading of cultures and traditions, I think the Buddhists are the most polite people in the world. While other religions fought religious wars and some are still fighting, the Buddhist, throughout its 2500 years history have been polite people. Politeness is one of the fundamental values of Buddhism.
I have had an encounter with a monk some years ago, I can agree they are very respectful. They believe in peace and try to avoid violence in any way possible. They know how to be violent but they will choose not to do so. This is because they don't like causing others harm.
While politeness is something that should be taught to everyone, there are actually some cultures over here that takes it a lot more seriously than others. Most times, depending on how polite a person is can actually be used to determine the tribe they are from.
Politeness is a big deal in my culture. Up until now, a younger person can't address an older person on a first name basis. You are obliged to greet an elder you meet at all times and you are supposed to always act courteous.
I believe that politeness and respect is very important in the Japanese culture but that's pretty well it.
Yes, older cultures give more preference to manners and other civic responsibilities. It is simply an optimised way of fine tuning a society.
Politeness is certainly valued and expressed differently across cultures. Many Eastern cultures like Japan, China etc tend to place a very high emphasis on respectful communication, honorific language, and deriving meaning from context. Western cultures can seem more direct in comparison. However, even within the "West," some cultures like the US and UK have distinct norms around polite speech and behavior.
I'm polite unless I'm provoked, then I can turn into a real a**hole. :devilish:
Political correctness is a form of politeness. To an extent, I can understand it. However, though, it has gotten way out of hand.
Politeness is not a quality that should be ascribed to a country or particular region. All humans have the responsibility of being polite to everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. That is the essence of life.