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Gaming PC Gaming vs Console


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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What do you like? What do you do? Do you play on both? What do you feel are pros and cons of these two things?
I started playing games on PCV long before I owned console. Even when I had console, I liked playing on PC. Therefore, I am more of a PC gamer. Currently, I have playstation 5 as well as a gaming laptop but I pay more on my laptop compared to playstation. I play only a couple of games on my playstation 5.
When I didn't even have a computer, I thought that all the games were better on the console, and I also liked that you could lie down while you played, but now I understand that there is no point because I played several games on PlayStation 4 and the only thing that was convenient was FIFA what other shooters are very difficult to play on the console
The console is an old-fashioned way to play games before outraging me listen to me this I think according to me is until and unless we get a PS4 for 35k or 40k it's not better to buy any console as PS4 use to sell at 35k and 40k cause ps4 and Xbox games are very expensive so at least ps5 should reduce their price in the market so people buy it for buying games not to buy a console to buy the console it’s self
Nothing beats gaming on a console. Km as much as PC gaming has become very popular, you only get that natural feel on Console. But for the sake of being easily mobile and being able to play on the Go, I prefer to play my games on my PC.
I find game consoles to be a more user-friendly option compared to PCs. As a matter of fact, I received a game console as a gift last Christmas, and it has become my go-to device for gaming. It features some of the most popular classic games from the 90s, such as Super Mario, Pokemon, and Crash Bandicoot, which are enjoyable and keep me happy and entertained for hours.
In terms of affordability and convenience, I'd say PC gaming is better... I personally am a PC gamer, and I have played games on consoles too... The consoles are better in terms of things like more realistic graphics, immersion, and More dynamic gameplay but I would still prefer PC gaming overall because of the convenience.
I like playing card games on PC but mainly anything that's has good graphics or is a triple A title would be played on my xbox series X.

If I had a gaming desktop I would play them though. Or even a gaming laptop.
There are few games that I play on my computer but I basically play on console. However, I don't mind playing on PC, I play a couple of games on ny PC. When it comes to play PC games I think there is so much limitations. Not many great games are released for PC, most interesting games are released for consoles.
In terms of affordability and convenience, I'd say PC gaming is better... I personally am a PC gamer, and I have played games on consoles too... The consoles are better in terms of things like more realistic graphics, immersion, and More dynamic gameplay but I would still prefer PC gaming overall because of the convenience.
And for the console, they make a lot of advantages, for example, in Fortnite, auto-aim, or in GTA 5, more cars and missions, in my opinion, this is unfair, because PC users are the same players. However, I understand their logic to get people to buy consoles and then play the same game again
I have a computer now, but I would definitely prefer a console because I had such experience using a console and it was very convenient for me. I plan to buy again because it's really cool when you can play lying down instead of sitting
I have never really played much on console before, so I guess I would like to try it and see how it feels. Playing on PC is awesome though, especially for does who like to add mods. I doubt it would be possible to add mods with the console.
I enjoy both PC and console gaming for different reasons. On PC, I love the flexibility, mods, and competitive online experiences. But there's something special about kicking back on the couch with a console's streamlined experience and amazing exclusives.