Discussion Hub

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Not every text needs a response

Exactly, but this doesn't stop me from grumbling sometimes when I see my phone ringing. Especially in situations where they call in awkward times.
If you do not expect a business call in early or late evening, you should put off your mobile phone so you can rest well. It is not good to receive a harsh or negative call during sleep time. It will be disturbing a tendency for you not to sleep well.
If you do not expect a business call in early or late evening, you should put off your mobile phone so you can rest well. It is not good to receive a harsh or negative call during sleep time. It will be disturbing a tendency for you not to sleep well.
I always put my phone on silent, or rather I usually forget to remove it from silent so it's automatically on silent every time.
I always put my phone on silent, or rather I usually forget to remove it from silent so it's automatically on silent every time.
As much as possible do not sleep with hope cellular phone beside or near you because of radiation. You might someday experience severe headache due to radiation. After knowing the bad effect of radiation I no longer place my phone near me.
As much as possible do not sleep with hope cellular phone beside or near you because of radiation. You might someday experience severe headache due to radiation. After knowing the bad effect of radiation I no longer place my phone near me.
This issue is a bit confusing, cause there are some persons who believe sleeping close to your phone is safe and does not produce harmful radiations according to their own research.
Those emojis are such a time saver. I totally agree that not every text needs a response. The sender anyways finds out that the receiver has seen it. But for someone like me, it feels rude to not acknowledge it or reply back. The emojis come very handy
Those emojis are such a time saver. I totally agree that not every text needs a response. The sender anyways finds out that the receiver has seen it. But for someone like me, it feels rude to not acknowledge it or reply back. The emojis come very handy
Yes the emoji is also a great way to show how you feel. There are certain text I send that the receiver might not really understand how I feel, but adding an emoji makes it a lot more easy for them to understand.
This issue is a bit confusing, cause there are some persons who believe sleeping close to your phone is safe and does not produce harmful radiations according to their own research.
It may not come now but in the later years of their lives especially when they reach 40. Many said that life begins at 40 to mean that at this age level, many sicknesses come out, lol. But let us hope that it never happens to them.
Not every message needs a response I agree and you right but many hasn't realized that up to now and a single emoji means a lot and it's okay to those that understand
Emojis can be understood by everyone. It is one form of communication. They have meanings. I like to use an imoji it pleases my eyes. When I am tired to reply a text, I best reply through a meaningful emoji. Kids love emojis.
Yes the emoji is also a great way to show how you feel. There are certain text I send that the receiver might not really understand how I feel, but adding an emoji makes it a lot more easy for them to understand.
I totally agree there. Emojis compliment the text to express the real feelings. Most of these posts are philosophical and many a times I feel a connection to them. I use heart emojis a lot to say that I appreciate it and like it a lot.
I totally agree there. Emojis compliment the text to express the real feelings. Most of these posts are philosophical and many a times I feel a connection to them. I use heart emojis a lot to say that I appreciate it and like it a lot.
Lol am the type who tends to misunderstand or read the wrong meaning to things, so seeing an emoji would give me a better understanding of how the person is feeling at that point in time.
Lol am the type who tends to misunderstand or read the wrong meaning to things, so seeing an emoji would give me a better understanding of how the person is feeling at that point in time.
Sometimes the plain text are not enough for me to express the tone and feeling. Emojis will be helpful. But there are times when I feel that even emojis are not helpful enough. I switch to the voice message.
Sometimes the plain text are not enough for me to express the tone and feeling. Emojis will be helpful. But there are times when I feel that even emojis are not helpful enough. I switch to the voice message.
So true like when am chatting with a love one, in situations where they feel am upset or angry, even after using an emoji, they tend to assume I am pretending. I usually use a voice note to let them know am not upset due to the tune of my voice.
Replying a text takes time especially if it requires explanation so I resort to calling but ending it abruptly. I will answer direct to the point and nothing more. Other times I didn't reply a text or answer a call. The usual text and call is to borrow money.
Even I feel that at times, making a call is more effective and time saving than texting. If I feel that the other person might be busy or not available to take my calls, I will leave a voice message. From morning, I would have made around half a dozen voice calls, all being work related. It's a Saturday and I don't want my colleagues to be bothered on a weekend by a call. But I had something important to be conveyed before they come to work on Monday. I have asked them to acknowledge it with a thumbs up.
I seldom leave a voice message especially if it is work related text message. If it's my boss who texts me, I immediately reply. My chairman usually messages via Meta Messenger. Sometimes, she calls for a video conferencing or virtually meet via Google Meet link. There is no saying of No lol.
Voice message is like my best thing. I do it every now and then. It's easier to do while I take care of other things like cleaning the table, dusting etc. I don't need both my hands free as I would need for texting. I can take care of two things like that.