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Gaming Most difficult game you’ve played?


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
Reaction score
What is the most difficult game you’ve played?
Definitely Dark Souls 3, I haven't played it in a very long time. It took me 15 tries before I beat the first boss and then once I made it to the next part of the game, I kept dying so I stopped playing it.
Dark Souls 3, Seriko : Shadow Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima and Elden Ring. These Soul's games are joy killers. If you're not strong willed, they will make you quit playing.
The most difficult game I have played is Cup Head.
I couldn't stay on the game for an hour before rage-quitting, lol.
The most difficult game I've ever played is MotoGP. It's such a tough game to master. I had literally uninstalled the game after playing a couple of races because in every race I was coming last that too with a huge time gap between the 2nd last racer and me. It's so hard to handle the bikes in this game.
Elden Ring is one of the most difficult games I have ever played. I started playing this game since December 2022, many months after the initial release and I am still playing it, I have played it multiple times. I have heard that the second installment of the game is on offing and I cannot wait for Elden Ring 2.
Valorant was the hardest game for me because I didn't like the shooting mechanics there, although it is one of the best among all games. Also, there are very strong players and it was difficult for me to win, so it is difficult for me
The most difficult game I would say that I have played would be Cuphead.

I remember purchasing the game on offer and playing it for a little while before getting so annoyed, I had to turn it off.

I guess I could always go back to it when I feel like it which is a good thing.
Volgar the Viking which was a free game on games with gold was the hardest to play that I have encountered just because you can't save the game unless you the beat the level, then you start at the next level each time you die.

Some games like that make me question how people are able to handle it.
Valorant was the hardest game for me because I didn't like the shooting mechanics there, although it is one of the best among all games. Also, there are very strong players and it was difficult for me to win, so it is difficult for me
I sometimes play Valorant. Actually, it is one of the few free games I have been playing for a couple of years . However I don't find Valorant difficult, in fact I don't see shooting games to be difficult to play. For me Elden Ring is one of the most difficult games I have played
It was difficult for me to play Pubg on a smartphone because there are a lot of actions to be performed and the smartphone screen is not large and it is difficult to do it. Also, at the same time, you need to think where you should go to win the game
I have played a few games before though. There where some stages in legend of Zelda I considered as pretty difficult the first time I played it. Same with GTA San Andreas and GTA vice City.
Without a doubt, the most brutally difficult game I've ever played is Ninja Gaiden Black on the original Xbox. The precision combat and unforgiving enemies pushed my skills to the absolute limit. I vividly remember raging at the notorious final boss battle against the Vigoor Emperor .it took me weeks of attempts to finally defeat him. Beating Ninja Gaiden Black was one of my greatest gaming accomplishments through sheer perseverance.