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Monkeypox now spreads

Here, the media and news channels have not started any news reporting. There is no headlines on all the major local news channels here. So, we hopefully assume that things are in control so far. I am praying that it should be well contained. Ir would be devastating to face another pandemic like situation.
It's evidently that the disease spreads at avery fast rate. Imagine the disease is here with us in my country. There are so many cases that have been reported in my country so far. I am really praying against that affliction for that matter.
It's true, my nieces working there in the UK told us at home that they were alarmed of a monkey pox that might enter there. In my country, the health department announced the wearing of face mask is a must. I am going to buy boxes of face masks before the price goes up.
Here, we have not heard anything on that line. I hope that the government and authorities are doing their job properly and not hiding away things or ignoring it. So far, no cases are reported. Keeping fingers crossed and praying
I am wondering why your health department in India didn't alarm the entire populace regarding the monkeypox. In my country we were already alarmed by our health department secretary. Even in our city health, we were adviced to wear a face mask. In the university we wear mask, covid is back.
Monkey Pox is even more deadly than COVID. It doesn't give a person that catches it up to three days before it completely weakens the person's system. Just maybe, we might be facing another lockdown.
Avoiding close contact with people who may be infected with the virus, who have a rash that looks like mpox.

Wash your hands well with soap and water after any contact with an infected person or animal. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Avoid handling clothes, sheets, blankets or other materials that have been in contact with an infected animal or person.

Wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose when around others.

Get vaccinated if you believe you have been exposed to the virus or are at high risk exposure due to your line of work.
It's a scary virus hoping it will not reach to the Philippines. Despite the department of health in my country adviced the people to stay vigilant and report immediately if there's an occurrence in a particular place especially to those travelers abroad to get an immediate isolation and treatment.