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Monkeypox now spreads



Mar 18, 2024
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According to the latest report from the World Health Organization, monkeypox is now spreading from South Africa to Sydney, Australia. The WHO is worried about this because the Monkeypox that is spreading is deadly which means that if the patient is not treated right away he or she may have no chance to survive. This is alarming, so when you have a relative arriving from South Africa, advise him or her to follow the protocols the same way when we had the coronavirus.
I came to know about it tomorrow, thankfully I don't have anyone arriving from South Africa and I hope monkey pox can be controlled
I saw an article about this yesterday. The truth of the matter is that we just have to be careful the places we go to and the people we associate ourselves with majority of the times.
Actually yesterday I am out for some hours may I might come across the news but thank you for spreading the news and I don't have any one arriving from south Africa but we have to take care of most of the people we associate with
I read about this virus in the news yesterday. I wish it is controlled and doesn't get spread in the world.
WHO is alerting the world because monkey pox is now getting nearer. It's now in Sydney, Australia. People there are on panic. Two years ago, there were 5 people in the Philippines infested with monkey pox but treated and got well. But this time the latest monkey pox is deadly.
Good that WHO has raised the concern at early stage. World should get cautious and take all necessary precautions to arrest it in time before it becomes the another pandemic. The early complacency in case of Corona has to be blamed to a great extent for it to become a pandemic and cause such huge devastation.
Let us hope that monkey pox will not reach to our country. That mpox is so yucky to look at. It is very contagious this time different from the monkey pox that was rampaging two years ago. I am now back to wear a face mask.
Let us hope that monkey pox will not reach to our country. That mpox is so yucky to look at. It is very contagious this time different from the monkey pox that was rampaging two years ago. I am now back to wear a face mask.

I read the news that it reaches Pakistan, may be the virus will enter in India and other Asian countries. We must be careful.
I read the news that it reaches Pakistan, may be the virus will enter in India and other Asian countries. We must be careful.
Nah, what is the matter with the people there, why are they not protecting themselves? They should apply the protocols that were introduced during the rage of the coronavirus. I am afraid that it will reach my country because every day there are many foreign visitors visiting the Philippines. The other day, there was an arrival from South Africa caught of some kilos shabu. She might have monkeypox.
We don't need another pandemic. We are still recovering from the losses of Corona pandemic and some of them have been irreparable losses. Let's pray that people act responsibly and authorities concerned take all possible precautions to arrest it in time.
We don't need another pandemic. We are still recovering from the losses of Corona pandemic and some of them have been irreparable losses. Let's pray that people act responsibly and authorities concerned take all possible precautions to arrest it in time.
The monkeypox is now escalating. I read a news from Google a while ago that monkeypox is now in Singapore. Those travelers must use their commonsense. They should follow the same protocols the time we were under the surge of the corona virus. I am also wondering why monkeypox always originate from Africa?
@Scorpion . That doesn't sound like a good development. It sounds scary and warning. World has become a global village with so much connecting us not only by virtually but also physically. There is so much of travel due to business and personal reasons. It would need a combined and responsible efforts from people and authorities
I am scared of this the monkey pox spreads fast like a wildfire. It's not yet a week WHO announced this and now there are already 4 countries infected with the mpox virus. This is alarming. My nieces and their kids in the UK will visit the country in December and if this virus becomes another pandemic then they cannot proceed to their planned vacation at home.
We can all hope and pray that things don't go out of hand. Reaching four countries in the matter of a week time is alarming. We have one vacation planned in January. We just hope that all is well and in control by then. Else we would cancel. Safety and health comes first.
China is now preparing to alter the visitors coming to their country. They must undergo tests before they can enter China. They were doing this during the surge of the coronavirus. But the virus before originated in their country and more than 5 million perished in China due to that deadly virus.
Yes, China was too late to wake up to the call for Corona. In fact, if sources are to be believed, China deliberately tried to shut down the whistle blowers at the time of Corona. They still deny the origin of the virus in their country. Good that they have got alert early for this monkey pox thing.
The Health department in the Philippines also alarmed the people to start wearing face mask even in the campuses. We are afraid here but we have to keep safe. Hoping there is an injection against monkey pox. The Covid injections we have already expired in our bodies.
They might come up with some vaccination and injection if situation demands for. But then how many more vaccinations. I and many people like me are not comfortable getting so many foreign germs injected in our system. They all come with their own side effects.
We can only hope that MonkeyPox is treated better than COVID was in the beginning to prevent anything drastic happening. So far I believe it is in the UK and they believe it is the more deadlier variant of the disease so being very cautious at the moment.