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Love is pain...

I guess most of them do not even consider what they spend during the wedding, they see marriage as something they can just go into and choose to come out from when they are tired.
That happens when Iove is not developed. They only want to be recognized as already married as if a competition only to find out they are not compatible in many things. The worst is when the wife's feeling is true. That's so painful which is why love is pain for her to bear that seems like forever.
But at every point, it is the pains that you bear for the person that you love that defines love. It us when you can have the last money but you have to send it to your love because he or she needs it.
I have found myself in situations like that before @King Belieal I had to give out the last cash I had just to ensure she was happy. You also have a point @Scorpion but there are also times where the man's feelings might really be true, but it's the woman not taking it seriously.