Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Last person you spoke to?

Today, I spoke to my spouse last. She served me one of my favorite dishes at the dinner. I think I overate today, so take a short walk to digest it. I hope I will be fine after a few minutes and go to bed to sleep.
The last person I spoke with is my sister during our morning walk.
I was talking to my daughter because she had recently returned from a walk with her friends. She is not yet that old, but the mother of one of her friends was with them and she told me about how they spent their time
I talked to my daughter yesterday night about her studies. She is not well these days so her studies are suffering because of her illness. She is having cough and cold from last 4-5 days. She is taking medicines for the same but her condition is not improving. I think we need to change a doctor.
The last person I spoke to, was my friend and he was asking me that when am I coming back for holidays
The last person I spoke to, was my friend and he was asking me that when am I coming back for holidays

So when did you decide to visit your friend? It's been a busy schedule for me and have not got a holiday in recent time.
So when did you decide to visit your friend? It's been a busy schedule for me and have not got a holiday in recent time.
Actually I don't know because my exam's was approaching me but I think if I am done I will surely come back and do so.
I just got Milk and bread delivered so the delivery person was the last person with whom I spoke and thanked him for the delivery
It was my boss the last person I spoke to. I explained him about a report.