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Debate Know when you die?


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Sep 23, 2023
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Would you like to know when you die, if given the choice? Why or why not?

I most definitely wouldn’t like to know when I would die. It’s scary and the beauty of death is that we don’t know how, when or where it will happen.
Personally I’d hate it, counting down the days, it would be so depressing!
I wouldn’t feel depressed but as the days wind down it would probably play on my mind a bit
I wouldn't like to know. Anticipation will make things even worse. Just live life as an advanture and when it happens, it happens.
Nope, I end up not knowing, end of the day you have no idea anyway. I'm 30 years old and I might day tomorrow or next week. From a car running you over or something. People live there lives as normal and things can happen.
Tell me when I will die and I will be restless till the day I will die. I would never like to put that much pressure on myself. Of what benefit is having that information going to get me? I don't see any, I rather not know it.
No please, I'm not interested in knowing when I will die. I will find it very difficult to enjoy the rest of my life when I know the time I'm going to die. Some information are best not known.
No way... that'd just be completely depressing.
No way, I wouldn't want to know when I was going to die. It would make my last day super depressing, and I wouldn't want to do anything. I'd be paranoid too worrying about how I was going to die, and if it was going to hurt.
Yes so that, as Lucy said, I can prepare for it and get my affairs in order. I don't fear death anyway.
No, I do not want to know. I feel more is at play. & when we know, we already have it in our mind to NOT fight so we actually may die sooner.
Just like I’m not for the Genetic tests as they put a fear factor into our lives with “maybes”.

I love this quote I found many years ago:
“To live each day as though it were your last day on earth is a fine idea,” said a very wise grandmother. “But I have always lived by a slightly different theory. It’s this: always treat all the people you meet every day as thought it were THEIR last day on earth.”- Unknown
Something I learned after I had my third child that I never knew until then was just how scared of death I was. I always remember sitting one day when my newborn was asleep and the thought of death for some reason popped up and then I wondered what my kids would do if I was not around.

If I was given the option to know when I would die, I would rather not know.
No, because it would likely cause unnecessary anxiety and interfere with living in the present moment. I feel it's better to embrace the uncertainty of life and focus on making the most out of the time we have. Live every day like it's your last day. :)
Something I learned after I had my third child that I never knew until then was just how scared of death I was. I always remember sitting one day when my newborn was asleep and the thought of death for some reason popped up and then I wondered what my kids would do if I was not around.

If I was given the option to know when I would die, I would rather not know.
A lot of people might act like they are not afraid of death but I would say that it is because they have never had a very near death experience. If you have ever found yourself in this kind of situation, death would be one of your worst fears. This is why knowing I would die will never be a choice I would like to make.
A lot of people might act like they are not afraid of death but I would say that it is because they have never had a very near death experience. If you have ever found yourself in this kind of situation, death would be one of your worst fears. This is why knowing I would die will never be a choice I would like to make.
I agree with this. I a few times have been near death, once when I was in labour with my first and he got stuck at 7cm, they left me so long, it was either an emergency caesarean or we were both gone, the second time was with the third child, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck which was pulling from the inside and caused me to bleed out badly, the final time was after I had my gallbladder removed, they made one of the incisions in such a weird place that it popped open whilst I was at home, I had never felt so unwell as I did and my brother said I went grey in the face.

All those plus the thought I had about my kids and death and leaving them behind is what triggered me to be scared about death, I live every day to the fullest as best I can now.
It could be something very challenging if you know when you die. Because sometimes doctor says with this cancer you cannot live more than 3 months and this is the sadest part in life. There is 2 % possibility that body resist cancer in this part of life.
I agree with this. I a few times have been near death, once when I was in labour with my first and he got stuck at 7cm, they left me so long, it was either an emergency caesarean or we were both gone, the second time was with the third child, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck which was pulling from the inside and caused me to bleed out badly, the final time was after I had my gallbladder removed, they made one of the incisions in such a weird place that it popped open whilst I was at home, I had never felt so unwell as I did and my brother said I went grey in the face.

All those plus the thought I had about my kids and death and leaving them behind is what triggered me to be scared about death, I live every day to the fullest as best I can now.
You have truly been through a lot of horrific experience in child birth. This is why I don't disrespect any mother out there because I know so many of them go through hell and come back before giving birth. The unlucky one's will be so unfortunate to pass on in the process.

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