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Is it your habit to argue?



Mar 18, 2024
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Is it your habit to argue? I always encounter an individual who keeps on arguing even to petty thing. He makes the issue big. This kind of attitude is crucial when having a family of his own. His wife and their children will always be scared . This might the cause of a legal separation .In the office where he works, his colleagues will also be also annoyed by his behavior. The worse is when he meets his match, there will be war of words, these warring types will never give up util one surrenders. The I am referring this is my colleague at work. He is always reprimanded by our boss and he has only one chance left and after that he must leave the work place and to never come back . Attitude matters at work , at home and anywhere,
I have my moments, there are times I like to argue just to be sure I get my points across, though most times I tend to let things go the moment I see you are not ready to listen or learn.
I had this habit of arguing with people when I was young, but then I realized that there was no use for it except stressing your own mind. I left that habit, and now I feel my mind relaxed and at peace.
@Ginger and @Sanjeev that is normal to argue on something we dislike. It's a way of opposing something that is not good for us and to all especially on parties outside the workplace and needing huge expenses. An argument can also lead to a solution of a problem unless extreme that fighting may follow after arguing.
I have the habit to argue and don't even see the person in front lol and have many times argued with my boss
Do not argue with your boss well I also argued with my boss when my subjects loading were broken. She was forced to correct my load lol. I was successful in my arguing rampage one time only. But my boss is intelligent and she realises that she was wrong in giving me evening loads. I want be at home before 5 in the afternoon. I have to cuddle and feed my pet cat Tiktok.
Its better to not argue with the boss and better to say fine and move on as arguing won't work in most cases
I argued with my boss one time only and she was defenseless. I have the right to refute my load for it will end at 9 in the evening. She might be insane that time. It's delicate to be outside home before nine in the evening. There might be bad elements.
I don't like to argue but if I am not in mood to forgive then I will keep arguing till the other person doesn't back off
We are only humans. Sometimes we cannot control ourselves. It is an automatic act to argue to defend our sides if deemed necessary. Sometimes we are accused of doing something we are not aware because we do not do it. The more aggressive we are to argue if our family is part of the issue after which they are innocent.
I have my moments, there are times I like to argue just to be sure I get my points across, though most times I tend to let things go the moment I see you are not ready to listen or learn.
Likewise. I think that is my behavior too
I would love to not argue because this way I raise my blood pressure and its not good for me and it wastes time too
We can argue if needed to protect or defend our side from any attack behind our back and beyond our knowledge. We will be like walking without a head if wouldn't state our side to refute what's being alleged on us. It's kinda exercising our rights.
I have such kinds of people around me. It is very difficult to lead such kinds of people. It is bad if one has a partner like that. Everything would always end up in a quarrels. It is not bad to argue but making it a default position is bad.
Unlucky would be a husband or a wife having any of them fan of argumenting. It will be annoying and irritating in case encounter a person like that. There will always be trouble at home or even in an office.
Unlucky would be a husband or a wife having any of them fan of argumenting. It will be annoying and irritating in case encounter a person like that. There will always be trouble at home or even in an office.
Lol that's why they are supposed to date to know each other before marriage. This way you can know what you are dealing with and decide if you can live with that or not.
No I am not that type I don't argue with anyone if you don't to me listen then I move on and let it go because we always have different opinions and that's life.
Lol that's why they are supposed to date to know each other before marriage. This way you can know what you are dealing with and decide if you can live with that or not.
Yes, if only others are doing this then there will be no problem after marriage. But according to married people the real attitude of your spouse will be known only after marriage. As much as possible, let us know the real attitude of the person we want to marry before it is too late.
I am the other way round. I try to avoid it as much as possible, especially with people who are hard nuts to crack. I want my peace of mind more than an useless argument which leads to nothing. Yes, if it's reasonable person worth of doing it, I will keep my points politely.