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If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?

Generators were in high demand few years back here but not now a days when the interruption is low now a days.
Of course such is bound to happen when you have a pretty stable power supply. Bug enjoyment you got there, I must admit.
Generators were in high demand few years back here but not now a days when the interruption is low now a days.
Over here generators are still high in demand, just that these days does who can afford it prefer going for solar.
We used to have generators here and kerosene oil was used and now it is not find here so generators are almost outdated now.
I think it's only a matter of time over here as well. After a few years people would mainly focus on using solar power.
I think it's only a matter of time over here as well. After a few years people would mainly focus on using solar power.
That's true, generators are slowly getting obsolete. The rise of solar panels is the culprit.
I think it's only a matter of time over here as well. After a few years people would mainly focus on using solar power.

That's true..Government here is giving rebate for installing solar panels so people are getting installed it at there home. Also, there is a compilation for the industries here to install it for using solar energy.
That's true..Government here is giving rebate for installing solar panels so people are getting installed it at there home. Also, there is a compilation for the industries here to install it for using solar energy.
Wow that would be awesome if our government also does that but I doubt this would even be possible with our current government. Anyways once I get some extra cash, I will be going for my own solar charger.
Wow that would be awesome if our government also does that but I doubt this would even be possible with our current government. Anyways once I get some extra cash, I will be going for my own solar charger.
Which our government will do that? Maybe in our dreams 🤣. It is all man for himself here, the government cares little about us.
Wow that would be awesome if our government also does that but I doubt this would even be possible with our current government. Anyways once I get some extra cash, I will be going for my own solar charger.

Hope it is started soon in your country too.
Yes I hope so too, it would be awesome.

Now a days, what is the situation of power disruption in your country? Is the supply improved, or is it like it was a few days ago?
Now a days, what is the situation of power disruption in your country? Is the supply improved, or is it like it was a few days ago?
It improved a bit but it went worse few days back. There have been no light for days, and the few times they bring it, it does not even last up to five minutes before they take it back.
If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose a charming village along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. Can you imagine waking up every morning to the sunshine glistening on the clear blue Mediterranean waters? I would spend my days strolling through the narrow streets lined with colorful buildings, sipping espresso at sidewalk cafes, and soaking in the laidback Italian lifestyle. With fresh seafood, local wines, and epic hiking trails right at my doorstep, it would be absolute paradise.
Well. If I were to choose where to live, I would go for somewhere calm with little or no drama at all. I prefer a peaceful area
Well. If I were to choose where to live, I would go for somewhere calm with little or no drama at all. I prefer a peaceful area
Well, who doesn't love some peace and quiet? If you are able to get a place like that, please let me know am I come and join you there.
I am doing fine in India but it would be great if I can relocate to Canada and that would be best for me
Apart from my village, I would prefer to have my own house in the mountains. I like mountains and waterfalls. I know the life of people living there is difficult as they have to walk for a long distance even to buy basic things, but I still prefer the fresh atmosphere there.
I prefer to live near the nature but prefer to have all the comforts and for this reason Canada can be a perfect place but it does get so chilly over there
I had opportunity to stay in few countries because of my husband's job. I have enjoyed all of them. They were developed nations with better standard of living. But nothing feels home like other than India. Despite the population, crowd, pollution and other issues of a developing nation, I love to call it home.