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If you could have any animal for a pet...

I have no desire to have pets because they are expensive to keep, furthermore, you also have to give time to your pets. I like dogs and cats and if money was not the issue and if I had time to look after the animals, I would certainly keep dogs and cats as my pets. BY the way, I grew in the family where we had pets.

It is a very good decision for you too avoid keeping any pets if you are well aware that it is going to be very difficult for you to be able to take care of the pet the way they are supposed to. It is expensive to maintain pets the same way it is expensive to maintain your own life which is why you have to consider doing this very well before you go ahead with the decision.
A DRAGON would be my choice of mythical animal to have. I will be on the dragon's back and fly miles all over the world.
Hehe, having a dragon would be awesome, especially the ones that breath fire. Imagine being called names like dragon rider, dragon lord, dragon master and so on. It would be awesome.
It would either be a lion or a snake.

A snake, because, well, Snakes are cool- and a lion, well, who doesn't want a lion cub like simba?

I saw those videos where some blogger played with lions and it looks cute but they never push pets and there can always be incidents where a lion can bite. It's cool to have such a pet, but it needs to be kept either in a cage or so that it lives freely and is seen from time to time like that blogger
There is no animal that resonates with me as a pet more than a dog. They are very friendly animals that almost just have human emotions. I love the exotic breeds of dogs like German Shepherd as pets.
If I could have any animal as a pet, I think I'd choose a dog. Dogs make such loyal, loving companions. Having a canine friend to greet me at the door and snuggle up with on the couch sounds perfect.
I wouldn't mind having a beautiful bird as pet, probably a parrot or cockatoo, because I have been seeing them and I like their colorful feathers and sassy behavior.
I wouldn't mind having a beautiful bird as pet, probably a parrot or cockatoo, because I have been seeing them and I like their colorful feathers and sassy behavior.
It could be helpful even in your house or your place of work because bird songs bring happiness during the morning.
I even plan to adopt a cat from the shelter soon to give him a better life. It won't be easy because I have to be responsible for him but it will be like a reward for me because I think he will love me too