Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

If you could have a superpower

I will very much love the ability to see the future. I'll be able to make a lot of money with that ability because I will venture into cryptocurrency trading full time. I will be competing with Elon Musk in no time! 😂
I would like to have the super power of a bull and be able to mate every 10 minutes. My girlfriend is hot and life would be good!;)
If I could have any superpower, I think I would choose the ability to teleport. The idea of being able to instantly transport myself anywhere in the world, or even to other planets, is incredibly appealing. I could explore remote destinations, visit loved ones across the globe.
I just wish I could fly. It would be convenient for me because I could move to other points of the planet quickly and free of charge. And no one would suffer from this