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Debate Hunting


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Sep 23, 2023
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What are your thoughts on hunting? Do you think it’s fair game or cruelty? Do you hunt?
Long time a go I did, I was hunting for birds bun not any more.
It depends on how you're hunting. If you're doing it for fun or money which will put all the wild life to extinction, it's wrong and can be seen as cruelty. If you're hunting games as food and only targeted animals, then it's okay.
I think it's fair, people hunt to keep populations of certain animals in check. Of course I don't think people should hunt using inhumane practices though, like trapping animals and then killing them. I also don't believe in poachers, there's no reason for people to hunt elephants.
My view is to kill only the animals that can kill human being if they get the chance to. They are a threat to man, so they need to be eliminated first.
I think it's fair, people hunt to keep populations of certain animals in check. Of course I don't think people should hunt using inhumane practices though, like trapping animals and then killing them. I also don't believe in poachers, there's no reason for people to hunt elephants.
I remember watching a documentary that suggested that what we consider less or more inhumane may have the opposite effect. Slow is worse. We may not feel what the animals feel
My view is to kill only the animals that can kill human being if they get the chance to. They are a threat to man, so they need to be eliminated first.
That’s a very interesting opinion. What animals are you talking about specifically? Lions? Bears? Why do we need to kill them? Why not just leave them alone as they are?
That’s a very interesting opinion. What animals are you talking about specifically? Lions? Bears? Why do we need to kill them? Why not just leave them alone as they are?
The question is would they also leave men be given the chance? I don't think so. Most of these animals are territorial in nature. Once they sense or see you, you're a potential prey to them. We can't use because they are in the wild and not explore the wild nature. Nature is for all of us not them alone.
The question is would they also leave men be given the chance? I don't think so. Most of these animals are territorial in nature. Once they sense or see you, you're a potential prey to them. We can't use because they are in the wild and not explore the wild nature. Nature is for all of us not them alone.
By that logic, isn’t human territory also for everyone? Aren’t we also territorial? If a lion roamed a street, it would be captured or killed, so why are they not allowed to kill you if you enter their territory?
While I have never hunted, I am not against it. I don't mind hunters if they treat the animal with the respect & dignity it deserves. To kill for food, clothing, not just for a trophy or sport. Food in stores, a lot of it is meat or meat based (even dairy & eggs are from an animal, people tend to forget that lol). I rather have a hunter ethically & humanely kill a creature than have CAFO farms where the animal is being abused, no access to fresh air or grass.
I think it's fair, people hunt to keep populations of certain animals in check. Of course I don't think people should hunt using inhumane practices though, like trapping animals and then killing them. I also don't believe in poachers, there's no reason for people to hunt elephants.
I personally don't find it a valid reason to kill animals in the name of controlling the population or maintaining the ecosystem. There's an option to transfer animals from one place to another if they are really concerned about the population/ecosystem. I would never support killing animals unless it's done out of self-defense.
I think it's fair, people hunt to keep populations of certain animals in check. Of course I don't think people should hunt using inhumane practices though, like trapping animals and then killing them. I also don't believe in poachers, there's no reason for people to hunt elephants.
The real problem with some of those people who are hunting to keep populations of certain animals in check is that they usually go over board when they are hunting. They will go to the extent of driving those animals into extinction when there is no body regulating their hunts.
What are your thoughts on hunting? Do you think it’s fair game or cruelty? Do you hunt?

It is being cruel. Humans should understand that these animals have feelings as well. Making them the prey all in the name of hunting can never turn out to be a good deal for anyone that is put in their shoes. Let these animals stay alive as they are here for a purpose, which is to enjoy life and explore.
I think it's fair, people hunt to keep populations of certain animals in check. Of course I don't think people should hunt using inhumane practices though, like trapping animals and then killing them. I also don't believe in poachers, there's no reason for people to hunt elephants.
Such persons need to go to prison because it is no longer hunting but doing a crime against animals that is something against animal rights. These practices need to be filmed and reported to authorities to take action against criminals.
Hunting was a necessity once. Helped keep cruel animals in check around the human population. Things changed a lot since then. Killing is bad, human or animal or chicken :D
It is being cruel. Humans should understand that these animals have feelings as well. Making them the prey all in the name of hunting can never turn out to be a good deal for anyone that is put in their shoes. Let these animals stay alive as they are here for a purpose, which is to enjoy life and explore.
Apart from the animals having feelings, all kinds of animals have a contribution to the balance of the eco system. Going on a killing spree of these species distorts the balance of the entire ecosystem in the end. Humans should stop cruelty against animals, especially for food. Farm animals serve that purpose.
It's funny because I'm kind of a badass as I've been in plenty of bar fights, got a couple of assault charges (never laid a hand on a woman) and was on the highschool wrestling team. But I tried hunting once and felt sorry for the deer and quit it for good. I even felt sorry for the fish gasping from being out of water and being hooked and bleeding, so gave up fishing too.

While I don't have much sympathy for humans, I have some empathy for animals.
I am against hunting, why should you kill animals just for the sake of fun. Hunting is cruelty. Sadly, hunting is one of the popular sport around the world. Even in our country, we have a hunting reserve where you can hunt animals by paying for the permits. Killing animals for fun is not ok.
Very true. Fish at the end of fishing rod is bad enough scene. Any life form withering for breath, that's sad.
Back in those days our forefathers hunt for food, and it didn't make the number of animals go extinct. Humans need to eat and they can't die of hunger just because they want to show pity to those animals out there.