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News Human Rights


Active Contributor

Mar 24, 2024
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Human rights are fundamental to the dignity and well-being of every individual, yet their protection and promotion remain a contentious issue globally.

1. Universalism vs. Cultural Relativism: One major point of contention is whether human rights should be considered universal principles applicable to all individuals regardless of cultural, political, or religious differences, or if they should be viewed within the context of specific cultural norms and traditions.
The basic rights that enables a human to live and thrive are universal rights and it should be the same because they bother on the dignity of humanity. Other rights are cultural and should be pursued and enforced based based on the general beliefs of a people.
Some should not be granted human rights at all. Did the Nazis deserve human rights, does Hamas?
Even when we talk about human rights, do we also look at the fact that not all governments support these human rights?

People are suffering all over the world and that has made me begin to think that human rights is just a fuss that a lot are pretending that it truly exists.
The irony is that the countries that talk a lot about human rights are those who stormed Africa every time they need labourers.
It says human rights, so as long as you are a human, then you are entitled to these rights irrespective of your gender, tribe, beliefs and so on. Though I believe there are certain cases where a person might not be entitled to these rights. Like as humans, we have the right to life, but in a situation where a person has killed countless people and done all sorts of inhumane things, I do not think they should be entitled to these human rights privileges.