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How to heal a broken heart?

Same way God can also help in healing our heart as its always Gods plan and we should accept everything that is happening is done by God
That is true, it is us who can help repair our broken hearts and dreams. So time goes by, and by and by we will forget the past pains.
Yes like the last time I was heart broken, I just simply focused on growing myself and becoming a better person.
It's indeed takes so much time for the broken heart to heal. For me l would give it sometime to heal for itself.
Giving it time is the only reasonable solution. Give it time and during this time do not think about things that would cause more harm,
Yes like the last time I was heart broken, I just simply focused on growing myself and becoming a better person.
When our heart is broken, it wants to give up, it is only our positive mindset that stops us from doing something regretful.
When our heart is broken, it wants to give up, it is only our positive mindset that stops us from doing something regretful.
And staying around positive people also helps a great deal on how our minds and lives in general is being influenced.
It's not easy to heal a broken heart; time will heal it. Meanwhile, we should try to keep ourselves in the company of good people so that they may help us forget about the past. We must engage ourselves in things and don't let our minds give us time to think about the past.
And staying around positive people also helps a great deal on how our minds and lives in general is being influenced.
Let us influence ourselves with positive minded people. It is bad if get in touch with negative folks. They will add up to our problems.
Let us influence ourselves with positive minded people. It is bad if get in touch with negative folks. They will add up to our problems.
Yes, the kind of people we have around ourselves reflect how healthy or sick our minds can be majority of the times.
Yes, the kind of people we have around ourselves reflect how healthy or sick our minds can be majority of the times.
To heal a broken heart isn't easy. We are helpless, but we have to strive to survive from the worst ordeal and be thankful that it happened to know the truth earlier before the worse to overrule.
To heal a broken heart isn't easy. We are helpless, but we have to strive to survive from the worst ordeal and be thankful that it happened to know the truth earlier before the worse to overrule.
That's true, like they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
That's true, like they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Time heals a broken heart in a gradual way. The person must also help himself to forget the past so that he can concertante better on his work. His wrk also helps him forget the past and somehow, he will realize that he feels like dumb if continue addressing his woes and sorrows of the past.
Time is the best and most effective healer. I would just say that give yourself some time to heal. Don't rush into things. Give yourself enough time to mourn and grief. Only when you are done with that, you can move ahead with the mending through self love and care.
There are many ways to heal a broken heart and one is to completely forgetting it through bonding with friends, do something that makes your mind busy, and diverting your attention to other thinking if the sad memories suddenly flashed.
In my opinion, a broken heart always happens because we put someone above ourselves. First of all, you need to take care of yourself, so even after such events, you will feel much better because you will know how important you are and what you really deserve
You are so right, whenever experience a broken heart, our entire life is not broken. We have not reached rock bottom, we are only tested by time and the feeling shall pass soon and pave the way to our happiness. We deserve to be happy and junk the cause of a broken heart.