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How often do you feed your pet?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I understand that each animal needs to eat differently and, for example, a parrot does not need to be fed three times a day. But for example, a cat needs to be fed at least twice and it will be comfortable for them. But some owners who can give a lot of food but once count on the fact that the animals themselves can share this food for the whole day, and this is not correct
I don't own a pet though, but I once read pets are like babies that needs constant care and attention. If I should own one, I should be ready to give them a lot of attention. I doubt I would have enough time to do this.
I never had anything complex. So it is more or less the same as humans. Or when they make trouble asking for it.
I never had anything complex. So it is more or less the same as humans. Or when they make trouble asking for it.
As far as I know, cats shouldn't be given food when they ask because they don't know when they're full and can eat without stopping and will constantly get fat and then throw up food
Nice tip. Will remember that.

Also, cats do not need special feeding. They can take care of their own ;)
I don't have pets per say but I keep chickens commercially in my poultry farm. I make sure that I feed them all the time. They always have feed in their troughs at all times. The only time they are not actively eating is from 3 am till dawn when I turn off the light for them to rest.
I have seen people keeping elephants as pets. Some have like 3 elephants to take care of.

It is no joke. For them it is a matter of pride and they do it scientificially.
Currently, I have one gold fish as a pet and I feed it three times in a day, I give him just a pinch of fish food at a time. My parents have dogs and cats as pets and they feed their pets three times a day. I think feeding three times a day is the most appropriate feeding schedule for your pets.
I feed my dogs whenever they are hungry and want to eat. They usually go to their feeder when they're hungry. If they do that, I'll feed them immediately.
I feed my dogs whenever they are hungry and want to eat. They usually go to their feeder when they're hungry. If they do that, I'll feed them immediately.
I think that for dogs it is not as scary as with cats, because I know that cats should not be given food when they ask for food, they are always hungry and if you do that, they will get fat very quickly
For my parrot I feed her once a day, my cats have an automatic feeder and a water dispenser. The food drops 3 times a day. I do give too many treats to them though :)
Three times a day for doggie and snacks in between meals. (he is getting fat)
I have a dog and I feed it two times in a day. It can continue to eat if you keep giving him food throughout the day. But I don't exceed the 2 times
Whenever I eat I make sure that I also dish food for my cats also. I don't joke with them when it comes to giving food because they can be quite destructive when hungry.
I have a cat, and I typically feed her twice a day . once in the morning and again in the evening. This routine helps maintain her energy levels and keeps her on a regular schedule. I'm careful to provide the appropriate amount of high-quality cat food for her age and size, and I also make sure she always has access to fresh water.
I am totally against most people owning pets here in my area. From time to time you would see these pets roaming around the streets looking for food and even water to drink. There is one dog that always comes to our compound to drink water. They hardly feed their pets.
Once a day with a fast on Sundays. Bettafish must fast once a week as there is a danger of overfeeding.
I don't have a problem of what to feed pets because I don't have any. I once had a pet bunny once that I really loved, but it somehow got out of the house and maybe someone stole it.
I don't have a pet so I don't know how much time they should be fed. Dogs and cats , I think should be fed thrice a day. Just a guess, if some can suggest it it enough or not?