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How often do you exercise?

Yes, I'm always more weak and disoriented to be working out in the night. I have tried to force it but instead of having a positive result, it's the negative results I'm getting. This is why I don't bother stressing myself to work out in the night because it's obvious that it's not beneficial to me.

This is dependent on what you are trying to achieve. Working out in the night can be beneficial when you are working on burning fats. You want everything to stick to the goal, and I have seen this work out really well for a couple of friends that work out as well. So, unless you are bulking, working out in the night can be of immense help.
This is dependent on what you are trying to achieve. Working out in the night can be beneficial when you are working on burning fats. You want everything to stick to the goal, and I have seen this work out really well for a couple of friends that work out as well. So, unless you are bulking, working out in the night can be of immense help.
Whatever working out goal which I have can be achieved by working out in the morning only. It's not a must that I would have to also work out in the night for me to achieve my work out goals. Timing is everything when you're working out and do it right plays a vital role too.
Running is also another good form of exercising. Have you tried running at least every morning before you go to work? I believe that is going to be of great help to your desire to stay fit. If it is also possible, work on your abs thrice a week as a top up.

I used running to build on my cardio very fast. It's a workout which goes through your whole body the minute you started it.
I used to exercise 3 times in a week but I can barely do it once in a week now. I only run in the morning when I have the energy for it.

I wish to work out 3 times in a week but I won't be able to. I have too many commitment which leave me with little time to work out.
The only kind of exercise I do is walk. I walk three times a week for 60 minutes. If I find time, I make it to 5 times a week and 90 minutes walk. I use walking to remain fit and healthy. I believe if you want to remain fit and healthy, walking is the best form of exercise. When I walk, even my mental health improves.
I used running to build on my cardio very fast. It's a workout which goes through your whole body the minute you started it.
Running is workout which can make you shade some weight very fast. I've used it when I wanted to lose weight some years ago and it worked very well. I still run from time to time but it's just to keep fit and not for me to lose weight. It works for the entire body all the time.
I am not doing it at a high level because I like the current form. I also do not go to the gym, I do it at home and 100 push-ups a day is enough to keep me in good shape
Doing up to 100 push up every day is not a light work out in my opinion. Push ups works on your arms, abs, shoulders, and legs. If you can be able to do 100 push ups every day, you are going to have farm arms, broad chest and shoulders. I can do at least 70 push ups a day.
Doing up to 100 push up every day is not a light work out in my opinion. Push ups works on your arms, abs, shoulders, and legs. If you can be able to do 100 push ups every day, you are going to have farm arms, broad chest and shoulders. I can do at least 70 push ups a day.
So it's not an easy workout, but I don't do it in one approach. From 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., I split these push-ups, so it's not that much and you can really keep your form that way
So it's not an easy workout, but I don't do it in one approach. From 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., I split these push-ups, so it's not that much and you can really keep your form that way
No, I cannot be working out from 7am in the morning to 12pm in the afternoon. The time gap is too far for me to achieve my work out goals. The maximum time gap which I can work out have always been between 30 minutes to 1 hour from when I started.
I work out every day but only strenuously 3 times. Working out every day has helped me prevent stiffness and joint pain. Just doing stretches on days off makes a big difference in preventing injury
I work out every day but only strenuously 3 times. Working out every day has helped me prevent stiffness and joint pain. Just doing stretches on days off makes a big difference in preventing injury
If you have the time to work out every day, it's a good thing for your body. It's better than being lazy and not doing anything. If I had the time to be working out every day, I will make time for it because I under the benefits which comes from steadily working out.
I train in order to gain muscle and only to keep myself in shape. I mostly just run on the treadmill and jump rope and that's enough for me. Maybe soon I will start wrestling
I am trying to make it a habit to do workouts on a daily basis. Though there are some Sundays I normally use as a day to rest. If am not able to exercise that day, I always make sure I at least go for a walk.
I average about 4 times a week but I shoot for more. I get lazy or just too busy sometimes.
I make it a priority to exercise 5-6 days per week, balancing cardio, strength training, and flexibility work. While this is a consistent routine, there are times when I feel I could be doing more to challenge myself further.
I have some gym equipment at home which I use to exercise every morning. That's why I am able to exercise every morning. There are days that I have time and I exercise mornings and evenings.
I just take rest on Sunday. I exercise on all the other days from 40 minutes to one hour. I feel lethargic the whole day if I miss my morning physical exercise. It's very important to me. I have a habit since the last three decades. And I am very particular about it.
Ideally we should exercise daily or at least for 5-6 days a week but even I am not regular with it and should exercise on daily basis
I think that the exercises are there to make us physical fit. Therefore we have very many ways for doing so in our everyday lives for sure. For instance l really like taking walks in the mornings and sometimes jogging to and from the workplace. I have found that so conveniently to me for that matter.