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How often do you exercise?


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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How often do you exercise? Do you think you exercise enough or you need to do more? Are you in good shape? What does exercising entail for you?
I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. Apart from that, I don’t do much exercise but I’m sure 4 days a week at the gym is sufficient. I’m not in peak shape but I’m not overweight or unhealthy either.
I like to train every day and only miss training on my rest days. It is not always easy to keep training daily, but training with easier drills and short reps has been helpful in building up my energy, too.
I exercise many times a week on bicycle. However, though, I need to workout my upper body. Well, pushups and dumbbells are good for that.
Exercise? Whats that! lol I used to hit the gym 5 times a week and was in pretty good shape but now a days I have zero time and am getting out of shape. I really need to try to make some time.
Anymore I try to get 2-3 workouts in a week. I am looking at getting VR to up that amount.
Maybe once or twice in a month is what I can be able to do now due to my lack of time for the gym. I can't workout at home, if not I would be using it as a make up.
I workout once in a week. It's mostly during the weekend when I don't have work to do. I don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. It's a perfect day for me to workout.
Not often I would say. Without being consistent in working out, I don't see any positive results from being into it. This is why I'm no longer taking it serious.
Honestly the only time I exercise is when I'm at work. I walk around a lot at work, plus there's some heavy lifting here and there too. I work in a factory, but I make shelves for coolers and most of the shelves don't weight much of anything. I'm going to work on exercising a bit more outside of work come next year though. I'd like to go to a local park and just walk around, and I would like to start lifting weights too.
You could make exercise early in the morning before going to work during the launch pause at work or even late at night this is the ideal time to practice sports because being sedentary is not something good. But stopping practice sports for any reason is not recommended if not health problems.
I try to exercise at least 3 days a week (my aim is 5), 1hr a day consisting of 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. I think I am in shape as I've been doing it for a while and I don't eat much junk food too. But to remain in shape, I have to continue doing it. It's a new year, a new beginning, so I would try my best to hit the gym 5 days a week without fail.
How often do you exercise? Do you think you exercise enough or you need to do more? Are you in good shape? What does exercising entail for you?

I used to exercise 3 times in a week but I can barely do it once in a week now. I only run in the morning when I have the energy for it.
I used to exercise 3 times a week but I can barely do it once a week now. I only run in the morning when I have the energy for it.
This is the hardest thing to reach the same level with the lowest exercises due to time challenges then what happens most of the time is the result is not the same and doing long time exercises once a week even doesn't reach the same level of effect unfortunately.
I used to exercise 3 times in a week but I can barely do it once in a week now. I only run in the morning when I have the energy for it.

Running is also another good form of exercising. Have you tried running at least every morning before you go to work? I believe that is going to be of great help to your desire to stay fit. If it is also possible, work on your abs thrice a week as a top up.
I'm doing my best to exercise regularly because I know the good benefits of working out and keeping fit all the time. This is why I don't waste time to work out whenever I have the time to work out in the morning. I have tried night working out but it didn't work well because I wasn't consistent doing it.
I'm doing my best to exercise regularly because I know the good benefits of working out and keeping fit all the time. This is why I don't waste time to work out whenever I have the time to work out in the morning. I have tried night working out but it didn't work well because I wasn't consistent doing it.

I just began a training routine that happens in the morning and night. It was not easy starting, but it has been of great help to keep me fit and focused on achieving a couple of things that I want to achieve. I suggest that you add training at night as well even if it has to be doing it late in the night before going to bed.
I just began a training routine that happens in the morning and night. It was not easy starting, but it has been of great help to keep me fit and focused on achieving a couple of things that I want to achieve. I suggest that you add training at night as well even if it has to be doing it late in the night before going to bed.
It's not like I don't want to work out at night too, but the problem which I'm having is that I feel too reluctant to start the work out. If I can find a way to have myself motivated at night to work out, I would be very happy about it. Some night I would not have the urge to do so as there will not be any appeal.
It's not like I don't want to work out at night too, but the problem which I'm having is that I feel too reluctant to start the work out. If I can find a way to have myself motivated at night to work out, I would be very happy about it. Some night I would not have the urge to do so as there will not be any appeal.
At night, you are very tired so most of the time you take a shower and go to bed. It is not the time for a conscious decision. However, early in the morning you could work better or take a day decision. This is why exercise or work at night is not preferred.
At night, you are very tired so most of the time you take a shower and go to bed. It is not the time for a conscious decision. However, early in the morning you could work better or take a day decision. This is why exercise or work at night is not preferred.
Yes, I'm always more weak and disoriented to be working out in the night. I have tried to force it but instead of having a positive result, it's the negative results I'm getting. This is why I don't bother stressing myself to work out in the night because it's obvious that it's not beneficial to me.