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How much should you spend on a first date?


Active Contributor

Nov 26, 2023
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If you're going on a date with someone you're interested in starting a relationship with for the first time, how much do you look at spending on the date?

Would you be the one to pay for the bill 100% or do you go with 50/50 split bill with the person?
I think splitting the bill is ok.
If it's a first date, the most I'd spend on that is £50.
I think splitting the bill is ok.
If it's a first date, the most I'd spend on that is £50.
Most ladies are never going to agree to splitting the date bill in my country. This is the main problem with most ladies. They always feel entitled and a man should pay for everything when they go on a date. This is a very silly mentality and I will never fall for it.
Most ladies are never going to agree to splitting the date bill in my country. This is the main problem with most ladies. They always feel entitled and a man should pay for everything when they go on a date. This is a very silly mentality and I will never fall for it.

You're right, most of them don't like splitting bill. I've experienced it twice or three times. I saw a lady's post on Facebook where she said, if you can't foot the bill for her date with you, don't bother asking her out.
You're right, most of them don't like splitting bill. I've experienced it twice or three times. I saw a lady's post on Facebook where she said, if you can't foot the bill for her date with you, don't bother asking her out.
The problem is that most ladies feel so entitled now. They think and believe that because they are beautiful, men are supposed to be the only one's who are to spend their money on them. Some men who are simps encourage this kind of behaviour from these ladies, it's why they keep doing it.
I know for sure that I would definitely pay for everything because this is the first date and it is not a fact that my friend will order a lot so that I have to split the bill. In my opinion, it's a good idea to end a date when you have no ideas for communication, and if you can talk about anything, then it's worth continuing
Whenever you are trying to go on a date with a woman, it's better to look for a lady who is within your range. This will make it easier for you to afford the kind of things she would be interested in eating on a date. If you go for a woman who is above your class, you are setting yourself up.
I do not think there is an set rules on how much you should spend on your first date. However, I do understand a lot of guys try to impress girls by going to a posh restaurant and spending a lot of money. I spent just $10 on my first date, we drank coffee and ate French fries. I did offer more food but the girl just refused.
No one should put any pressure on you when you're going on a date with them. Don't be forced into spending the money which you don't plan to simply because you want to go on a date with someone you are not even sure the relationship will last for a long time.
I do not think there is an set rules on how much you should spend on your first date. However, I do understand a lot of guys try to impress girls by going to a posh restaurant and spending a lot of money. I spent just $10 on my first date, we drank coffee and ate French fries. I did offer more food but the girl just refused.
And that's right because, in my opinion, you don't just need to eat for the first time and it doesn't matter how much you spend. It's a bad idea if you want to impress her, how much money do you have, and I am the sum of 10 dollars, the best thing to do is to drink coffee and have a nice talk
If you start off on your first date to try and impress a woman with your money by spending extravagantly, she will see the clear picture of what you are trying to do. This is going to make her to turn you into her walking ATM machine which prints money for her whenever she needs cash.
If you start off on your first date to try and impress a woman with your money by spending extravagantly, she will see the clear picture of what you are trying to do. This is going to make her to turn you into her walking ATM machine which prints money for her whenever she needs cash.
I don't think that this will happen because most girls who come on a first date and are serious, they will not be impressed at all by such an act because they will think that the guy considers them weak
I always go over the top for women, it's what I do. Then when I've got them in the sack and I'm having a good time I realize that it was all worth the expense. You get nothing for nothing in this life.
When I was on a first date, it seemed to me that the bigger the better. And I managed to impress my girlfriend with this, but later, when we were in a relationship longer, she told me that then she didn't like it very much and she was thinking about ending communication right away
Whether I am the one sponsoring the date or the person I am going on a did with is bankrolling it, I don't think a date should be more than $10. And that's a really expensive date for me. Dates are not supposed to be expensive.
If we are being completely honest there is no amount that is set in stone regarding how much should be spent on the first date. I believe that someone should not spend more than they can afford in an attempt to impress the lady because it can quickly backfire.
It depends on who you are going out on a date with an how close you are with the person. Imagine you as a guy meeting a girl and you have not even known each other for long but decides to go on a date with her, then you tell her to pay 50% of the bills, it's just kind of weird if you ask me. But if it's someone I am already pretty close to, then it might be an option.
I believe that both parties should not spend beyond their limits. Don't go to q place that is too expensive, don't order meals that are beyond your financial capacity. It is all a matter of relativity. $100 might not be a big deal for some, but can be everything for others.
I believe that both parties should not spend beyond their limits. Don't go to q place that is too expensive, don't order meals that are beyond your financial capacity. It is all a matter of relativity. $100 might not be a big deal for some, but can be everything for others.
For anyone at all, even if such a person is a millionaire, $100 is too much an amount to fund just a first date. I don't think it makes sense to spend such huge amount in just getting to know someone. $20 max is okay from my point of view.
The first date should always be cheap. Dating is like an investment. You don't know what you are getting into until the second or third time...