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How many people have broken your trust?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Do you have trust issues with people? For someone to start having trust issues, their trust have been broken by those who are close to him or other regular people.

If your trust have been broken before by those you had high hopes on, how many times and from how many people did you experience it?
Quite a few people.
One of them was my best friend (not friends anymore), and the other few were friends that I had trusted.
The trust which I have to give to people now is not up to 5 percent. This is why I don't give out my trust to people easily. A lot of people very close to me have betrayed me so many times. I kept wondering if I was the problem but I wasn't. It's just their own human flaw. I have learnt to make my circle as small as possible.
I hardly trust anyone as easy as that. It will take time before I can begin to trust anyone, and there are very few persons that I trust today. I have had only one person break the trust that I had for them, and it was a scary situation for me as I cried my eyes out discovering that. Since then, I have focused on having very few friends.
I hardly trust anyone as easy as that. It will take time before I can begin to trust anyone, and there are very few persons that I trust today. I have had only one person break the trust that I had for them, and it was a scary situation for me as I cried my eyes out discovering that. Since then, I have focused on having very few friends.
This is the saddest part of the story. This is because you could classify people in the same category as someone who was not in the measure. Either if the other persons are correct this shock lets you have this bad behavior.
I hardly trust anyone as easy as that. It will take time before I can begin to trust anyone, and there are very few persons that I trust today. I have had only one person break the trust that I had for them, and it was a scary situation for me as I cried my eyes out discovering that. Since then, I have focused on having very few friends.
This is why I don't make friends with anyone now because it's when your friendship circle is very big that you would make the mistake of letting in the person whom you shouldn't have into your heart to trust them. They are the one's who will be very quick to betray you. I'm talking from experience in this matter.
This is why I don't make friends with anyone now because it's when your friendship circle is very big that you would make the mistake of letting in the person whom you shouldn't have into your heart to trust them. They are the one's who will be very quick to betray you. I'm talking from experience in this matter.

I can say that staying alone is better than having to make friends with people that will mess you up at the end of the day. I hardly let people into my lives nowadays unless they have gone the extra mile to prove that they deserve being my friend.
I can say that staying alone is better than having to make friends with people that will mess you up at the end of the day. I hardly let people into my lives nowadays unless they have gone the extra mile to prove that they deserve being my friend.
Most people today doesn't know what it means to go extra mile to prove their loyalty. They think it's something about one or two things, then someone is going to be open up himself to them for them wreck it as they used to do to others. Loyalty comes with a very high price.
I don't think much people have broken my trust because I don't easily trust anyone at the first place. Even if I do trust someone, I keep a backup plan ready just in case the person betrays me or doesn't meet my expectations.
No one have broken my trust but they did to my father. I had to learn from what happened to my father. I never allowed myself to freely trust anyone.
I don't think much people have broken my trust because I don't easily trust anyone at the first place. Even if I do trust someone, I keep a backup plan ready just in case the person betrays me or doesn't meet my expectations.
I made this mistake of trusting people so freely some years ago and it taught me a very big lesson. So, yes, so many people have broken my heart and trust in the past which have made me zero my mind on having to trust anyone. I learnt my own lesson the hard way.
I have never been in a situation where people broke my trust and I was hurt. Well, so many people have disappointed me and failed me, but these are different situations. Even when some people cheated on me, I don't interpret this as breaking trust. Trust is something you place on someone you love. I have never been heart broken,.
If I love you as my partner but you went ahead and cheated on me with another man, I consider this as breaking of my trust. How can it not been seen as breaking one's trust who loves you and is in a relationship with you? Entering into a relationship means giving you myself, when you cheat on me, it means I was never enough for you.
Not many people have lost my trust because I'm not close enough to expect anything more from them. I already understand from whom and what I can expect, so if a person does not do something more than I expected, he will not lose my trust. Like me, you just need to expect little from people and rely only on yourself
Having high expectations of people is always going to cost you so much in a way that your heart will always be broken because of what those people are going to do to you. It's always going to be in your best interest to make sure that people don't have that opportunity to stab you in the back by not trusting them.
In my opinion, if you want to have a cool relationship with your friends, then you should expect a lot from them, because if you don't expect them to support you, then it's hard to call it friendship, but a long time must pass before you fully trust a person
I don't keep a record, but there have been quite a few of them who have shattered my trust to the point it became hard to trust someone ever again. But what can we do? Count our loses and move on.
We cannot control how people trust us, so I have learned not to brood too much over it.
So many have, starting with my so called parents. I cannot trust anyone anymore, I might act like I do but I don't.
I always give everyone benefit of doubt by default in terms of trust. I trust anyone at first instance. A few have betrayed me and broken my trust. But I don't have trust issues. Never panicky. I don't even think expect much from people as I recognize human weaknesses in every person. I work with them on that lane.