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How many naps do you take in a day?

This is so me! No matter how much an employer decides to pay offer me to start working at night, I won't take such an offer. Working at night is going to affect the way that I sleep, and it is one thing that I don't want for my life at all. I want to always enjoy my sleep and live a healthy life no matter the little that I make.
Good health is wealth and people need to take this very seriously. If you have all the money in the world being paid to you for overworking yourself without having rest, the body system is going to break down because it's not a robotic machine. The money will used for medical treatment which is penny wise but pound foolish.
I'm not consistent with taking naps everyday. There are days when I nap once, twice or three times and there are days I don't nap at all. I nap when my body feels like it and I have the time for it too.
I'm not consistent with taking naps everyday. There are days when I nap once, twice or three times and there are days I don't nap at all. I nap when my body feels like it and I have the time for it too.
Taking one nap is good for your body to recover for the day. If you had a good nap, it will do a lot of good for your body especially when you slept well at night. It's when your nap is always interrupted that it won't have any much positive effect on your body with rest.
When I was a child, I never napped during the day, but over the years, this has changed because I'm in my 20s and sometimes I can nap for 2 hours a day and then sleep another 10 hours at night. I don't like it very much because I would like to use this time with benefit, but the body refuses to work so much
I usually only take one nap a day, but it’s a long nap. Sometimes its an hr long nap or a two hour nap.
I do not have the luxury of getting multiple naps in a day, I just get one nap in a day which is between 10-30 minutes. Sometimes I am so busy that I cannot get a nap. I like getting nap because after the nap, I feel refreshed.I usually take nap between 1 and 3 in the afternoon. Interestingly, sometimes I over sleep during the nap.
I do not have the luxury of getting multiple naps in a day, I just get one nap in a day which is between 10-30 minutes. Sometimes I am so busy that I cannot get a nap. I like getting nap because after the nap, I feel refreshed.I usually take nap between 1 and 3 in the afternoon. Interestingly, sometimes I over sleep during the nap.
But does it really help you that much? Because in my opinion, half an hour will not solve much, but during this time you can do some things that may bring a lot of benefit. Because if I plan to take a nap, it takes more than an hour
I don't advocate for longer hours of nap because of the drawback it have on your other sleeping time. Long naps can decrease the much-needed sleep pressure for nighttime sleep by reducing nighttime sleep efficiency (the amount of time you spend in bed actually asleep at night). It's best to stick to 30 to 40 minutes nap at most.
How many naps I take in a day depends on how free I am. If I have so many work on my table, it will be hard to even take one nap. It's what I can't help.
How many naps I take in a day depends on how free I am. If I have so many work on my table, it will be hard to even take one nap. It's what I can't help.

Yes, it's how much free time that you have in a day that will determine if you're getting more nap time or not. There isn't a way for you to leave your work and be sleeping. If you are working with a company, they may sack you as a result of doing that.
How many naps I take in a day depends on how free I am. If I have so many work on my table, it will be hard to even take one nap. It's what I can't help.
For me, work has never been more important than health, because even if I have work and at the same moment I feel very sleepy, my body is trying to tell me something and I don't want to ignore the wishes of my body for the sake of work
Before you are employed in any kind of business establishment or a company, they already have a required hours expected to putting in that establishment and you cannot use the time of your work to take a nap except during the time of your break which is why you can never compromise on that job unless you don't want to keep the job.
I don't really like taking naps during the day, the only time you would find me taking a nap in broad day light is either I am extremely exhausted or my phone and system power is down.
I take one every afternoon usually around 3 o'clock. They only last about 10 minutes.
I take two thirty minutes naps everyday. When I work for the first five hours, I need that 30 minutes nap for my brain to cool off and resume again. I have to say that the naps really help me to keep my head sane.
I'm definitely more of a one nap per day kind of person, if I nap at all. As tempting as it can be, I try to limit myself to a single restorative nap in the early afternoon when I hit that post-lunch lull. Any more than that and I'm likely to throw off my night's sleep. A 20-30 minute power nap is the sweet spot for me.
I used to be able to fall asleep at lunch, but that was when I wasn't working, and now for obvious reasons I can't do it, but maybe it's for the best, because it makes it easier for me to fall asleep in the evening