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How many books do you normally read monthly or yearly?

I wish I could adopt an interest in reading and it would have helped me learn more as these days I am unable to even complete a single book
Yes, the saying "Books are the best friends" I believe on it. I should read books to gain knowledge. I will try my best to read at least one book in 2-3 months.
I wish I could adopt an interest in reading and it would have helped me learn more as these days I am unable to even complete a single book
I can relate to this. Since I finished school the spirit of reading somehow departed from me, and till now I have not been able to recover it.
I'm an avid reader. I tend to devote a good part of my time to read books everyday, mostly novels. When I'm done I get another and continue. Reading is underrated.
It has been a while I read to be honest. When I was younger I read a lot because there was less focus on electronic devices. But now I don't read as much because of work and maybe social media. I'm not sure I have read up to 2 books in the past year.
Lately my interest to learn new things have decreased which is a very bad sign as I am still young and have all my life to learn so I need to get back to it and start learning and start reading books
Lately my interest to learn new things have decreased which is a very bad sign as I am still young and have all my life to learn so I need to get back to it and start learning and start reading books
As one gets older, it is normal to lose interest in things one would normally enjoy while younger. But you need to revive your interest in reading books again, that is very important.
Generally speaking, I read one book per month, which means I will be reading 12 books in a year. This is not an exact figure though because sometimes I read 2-3 books in a month, so by the end of the year I would be reading more than 12 books.

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