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How long do you charge your smartphone everyday?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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How does it take for your smartphone to charge 100%? I'm using a Type C charge which is a fast charger, it takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes for my smartphone to charger 100% whenever I plug it to charge. Most of the time, I plug it to charge when I'm going to bed, once it's full, the phone will stop charging on its own.

How long do you charge your smartphone everyday?
I charge my phone overnight, every day. Place it on the charger at the end my day, and by the morning is 100% charged.
It takes one hour to charge it fully when it is out of battery or energy I have kudo of USB drive to link with my PC during work and charge it in peace during this time also I avoid using it for games or staff that let it power down quickly.
I tend to charge my phone once a day and depending on what I do on the phone depends on how long it stays charged for.

Just recently I have been playing some mobile games so I have needed to charge it twice due to that but it's not a big deal and tends to last for the most part.
I only charge my phone when the battery is low so I don't charge it everyday, unless it's a weeknight. If it's a weeknight I let it charge overnight so it'll be at 100% by the time I wake up, otherwise I'll charge it during the day if it's the weekend when my battery is low or if I know it's going to be a Pokemon GO community day, depending on where the battery percentage is it doesn't take but maybe a few hours for my phone to be fully charged.
I charge my phone overnight, every day. Place it on the charger at the end my day, and by the morning is 100% charged.

This is also how I charge my smartphone too. My smartphone battery is 5000 mAh, it serves me throughout the day once it's 100% in the morning.
I have always been very lazy when it comes to charging my smartphone. This is the reason why I hardly plug my smartphone to charge till I am already having a very serious low battery that if I don't plug the phone immediately, it will switch off. The moment I charge the phone and the battery is up to 20%, I will stop charging it and start using it all over again.
I charge my smartphone for about 2 or 3 hours at most. Sometimes, it's not up to 2 hours because I have used the phone. I'll uplug it because it's not advisable to use phone when it's charging.
I tend to charge my phone once a day and depending on what I do on the phone depends on how long it stays charged for.

Just recently I have been playing some mobile games so I have needed to charge it twice due to that but it's not a big deal and tends to last for the most part.
If you're playing video games on your mobile phone, it will be draining your mobile phone battery faster. This is why I don't like playing video games often on my mobile phone. I had to buy Nintendo Switch since I love playing video games with a handheld device. Since then, my mobile phone have rested from video games.
I saw hell with the last device that I used in terms of charging the device. Some of the times, I end up charging this phone more than 3 times in a day. You can imagine how frustrating it can be charging your mobile device for that longer period of time? That made me change the device, and since then, I only charge once, and it lasts the whole day.
My mobile phone is powered off rapidly due to the fact of several notifications. They take charge of and energy. Most of them are notifications that don't add any value or could be news notification hole a day or a message or post on social media.
My mobile phone is powered off rapidly due to the fact of several notifications. They take charge of and energy. Most of them are notifications that don't add any value or could be news notification hole a day or a message or post on social media.
If it's too much notifications which is causing your mobile phone to switch off often, it's better to use your mobile phone with the notification on silent. This will stop the constant ringing of the notification. You should also look at your mobile phone battery to know if it's needing to be changed.
If it's too much notifications which is causing your mobile phone to switch off often, it's better to use your mobile phone with the notification on silent. This will stop the constant ringing of the notification. You should also look at your mobile phone battery to know if it's needing to be changed.

This is correct. There is need for anyone that is having any form of issues with the mobile device always going off to have a check at what is actually wrong and fix it. That is more important than having to blame it on something else. The vibration that comes with the notification can be a worry for anyone that their phone battery is not strong.
I charge my phone once a day. I wait for the battery to come down to less than 15%. Once it's there, I charge it upto 100%. It takes about 2 hours for my phone to get fully charged.
I charge my phone once a day. I wait for the battery to come down to less than 15%. Once it's there, I charge it upto 100%. It takes about 2 hours for my phone to get fully charged.

What phone are you using? Charging a phone once and using it for the whole day can be possible with a mobile device that has a battery of 4000 mah or more. My device uses the battery that is 5000 mah, and I charge my phone once a day as well.
I charge my phone until the battery level is 90 percent, it takes around 60 minutes to ful charge my phone. I do not let my phone's battery level below 30 percent. Normally, I charge my phone once a day, however, sometimes I use my phone a lot, especially to scroll social media d watch videos, I end up charging 2 or even 3 times in a day.
I recently bought a very cool iPhone 13, so I have a rather large battery, but my charging is very fast, so it takes me more than an hour from full zero, and sometimes even more if I use it while charging
For me my phone takes a maximum of two hours. l have a very good fast charge charger with me.
I charge my phone a few times on a daily basis. I use my phone for everything though. I stream tv shows and movies on it & browse the internet. I don’t have a laptop or anything, so my phone is basically my substitute for a computer.
My phone has a 6000mah battery and a charging speed of 10W so due to this, it usually takes around three to four hours just to charge my phone to 100% recently though i noticed it usually takes longer than this most times.