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How do you feel about getting older?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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Some people try to hold on to their youth with exercise, surgery, or medication.

How do you feel about getting older?

I hate getting older. Although I have noticed that with age I am less worried about things and more confident that I can handle any problems that come my way. In my younger days I was always worried what would happen if shit hit the fan, now I figure I'll get through it somehow, done it a million times before.
It’s depressing to think about. Life was a lot easier and more stress-free when I was a kid - I often miss the times when the worst problem in my life was that I forgot to do my homework.
I often think back and worry about just how fast the years are going by. Since 2019 the years seem to have just flown and it feels as though I am aging a lot quicker than I was even though I am still only aging up each year.

It is scary when I realize just how fast the years are going back and when I age up each year. I try and do as much as I can to ensure my life is fulfilled and I enjoy each day to the fullest.
Getting old is a very big blessing in my eyes. I can't wait to get old like my grandma. I only hope I won't suffer from alzheimer's disease when I grow old.
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There’s not much I can do about it I just hope I don’t get Alzheimer’s I’ve seen enough of it in hospital
Honestly it doesn't bother me as much as it used to when I was a kid. When I was 15 I didn't want to get a job because I felt that if I got one, I wouldn't feel like a kid anymore and I was afraid of growing up. That's why I didn't get my first job until I was 20 years old.
Somehow, i wish i could have a kid before i turn 40, i don't want to be a "grandfather" to my son/daughter!

I'm not the type of guy that would want to go back in time, i am what i am thanks to my mistakes too!
I just have to take it like a man. Death is a certainty, but I don't know when. Anyway, since I got no retirement, I'm focusing on being a tutor until my mind goes out, but I hope it don't. 😃
I don't like it! Sure, with age comes wisdom, knowledge, confidence, blah blah BUT with age comes a whole set of heath issues, vision problems, body aches, lower metabolism.... and we get closer to death.😵‍💫
I don't like it! Sure, with age comes wisdom, knowledge, confidence, blah blah BUT with age comes a whole set of heath issues, vision problems, body aches, lower metabolism.... and we get closer to death.😵‍💫
All human beings must die. This part isn't a worry for me but having heath issues, vision problems, body aches, dementia etc is what makes me hate getting old.
I don't like the fact that getting older is something we all have to go through. The years are already flying by, and that makes it feel like I am ageing so much quicker than I should be. I wish time would slow down just that little bit.
Some people try to hold on to their youth with exercise, surgery, or medication.

How do you feel about getting older?

I hate getting older. Although I have noticed that with age I am less worried about things and more confident that I can handle any problems that come my way. In my younger days I was always worried what would happen if shit hit the fan, now I figure I'll get through it somehow, done it a million times before.
I will be mad to pay for surgery just to keep looking younger. It's never going to last forever. It will get to the stage where the surgery is going to fail.
Oh my I hate getting older. I have a ton of medical problems now. I never used to go to the Doctor, but now I am going every 6 months.
Oh my I hate getting older. I have a ton of medical problems now. I never used to go to the Doctor, but now I am going every 6 months.

Imagine how it's going to become when you're in your 50's and 60's? It's going to be a torture. I wish we don't age or even if we do, it takes a very long time.
The thing about old age though, is that at least we got there. My cousin never even got to 21.
The thing about old age though, is that at least we got there. My cousin never even got to 21.
I agree. We all like to complain about different things in life that may not be going our way, but forget that many people are not this lucky, to complain about the weather outside, complain about the morning traffic that made us late to work, complain about annoying neighbors, etc.. at least we are alive! The sad truth, is that way too many people lose their lives everyday way before their time.
I'm already older in my age as of today. I have no problem with being old but I have a problem with being ill frequently because my body is now weaker.
Getting older is a natural part of life. It brings wisdom, experience, and personal growth. While there may be physical changes and challenges, I embrace the opportunity to continue learning, evolving, and cherishing the moments that come with each passing year.
There’s not much I can do about it I just hope I don’t get Alzheimer’s I’ve seen enough of it in hospital
Alzheimer disease is the biggest fear and concern which I have whenever I think about what is going to happen to me when I become old. Almost everyone I know who gets old all suffer from Alzheimer diseases. I'm so freaked out by it that I might suffer from it too.