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How do I know if I'm over training?



Oct 30, 2023
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Over training is as bad as not training, right? So, how do you know if you are over training. Some of the signs of over training are persistent fatigue, decreased performance, irritability, insomnia, increased resting heart rate, frequent illness, and chronic muscle soreness. If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's important to take a break and allow your body to recover. Are you over training?
Yes, overtraining is very bad because it is only going to result in doing too much which is having yourself hurt as a result of putting too much pressure on your body. This is the reason why you have to listen to your body whenever you're working out to know when it is the right time for you to stop and allow your body to take a break.
I don't know what you mean by over training. I spend hours after routine training to do personal training. But you should listen to your body. When it tells you to rest from excessive physical activity, you should else you would easily get injured.
It is very easy to notice during training, because once when I had such a case, I simply lost consciousness because the body simply could not work under such conditions. And after that, the next day I felt very sick, but the next day it became much easier
I think the best way to know you are over training is through your body. You will definitely feel the signs in your body, especially your muscles. You might end up injuring your muscles. Over training is bad, our body has limits and we should learn to respect these limits.
Signs that you may be overtraining include persistent fatigue, insomnia, muscle soreness that doesn't subside, loss of motivation, irritability, and a compromised immune system. Pay attention to your body's signals. If you're consistently feeling drained, your performance plateaus or declines, or you experience frequent injuries or illnesses, it could indicate overtraining.
When my body starts to hurt all over it is a sign for me to stop. So I respect my body's wishes and stop there for the day. If I push too much my body might break down.